All Testimonials

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Everything was covered by giving examples making it easier to understand', 'Great interaction with Darrell, very enjoyable and rewarding course', 'Good use of recapping everyday, enjoyable course', 'Great delivery, would recommend', 'Great trainer, good atmosphere with plenty of engagement, I now understand how to complete a risk assessment properly', 'It was all useful, made me more aware, well delivered course', 'I enjoyed the course and look forward to implementing the learning in the future', 'I truly enjoyed the course, the trainer helped me a lot'.

IOSH Managing Safely:
'Trainer was engaging and instructive', 'Learnt alot and will now try and implement this into my new role', 'Trainer was great', 'This will add value to my role and my personal development', 'Richard was knowledgeable, professional and made a comfortable learning environment', 'Good paced training, liked module 6 the best', 'i have not had this type of training before so it has been a real eye opener which has given me things to consider within our environment and the way we operate', 'Very good course, clear delivery in both content and context', 'I really enjoyed the risk assessment games, good fun whilst learning'.

Hearing Protection:
'Highly recommend, very professional', 'Very valuable, clear and informative, good focus on the key points, explained well', 'Took time to answer our questions and hands on', 'Great training, content was spot on', 'Really good', 'Perfect, professionally delivered', 'Just right for me', 'Very useful, informative, good delivery of the information', 'Very effective course', 'Very suitable for the job I do, very valuable information', 'We got to practice the correct technique', 'Very good', 'Very helpful and hands on', 'Great stuff, very interesting'.

Safety Representatives:
'Excellent, really clear, concise training from Rich', 'Brilliant course, really enjoyed it', 'Well presented and easy to understand. Included activities on aspects of the training', 'Great value and content', 'Found it very informative and alot of useful information', 'Very suitable for my role as a safety rep, kept the content interesting', 'Very useful and engaging', 'Learned many new things, clearly explained and interesting', 'Added value to me as an individual in acquiring more skills and knowledge', 'Very good and worthwhile', 'Very informative, very impressive delivery style'.
Principles of Manual Handling:
'Applied the theory to the real world and our practices', 'Very good course', 'The course covered what we needed to know', 'Interesting and enjoyed the course', 'Very suitable for our job roles', 'Covered requirements well', 'Delivered clearly and efficiently', 'Knowledgeable and experienced trainer', 'Good examples given', 'Very good and enjoyable'.

IOSH Fire Safety for Managers:
'Great course, increased my fire knowledge', 'Learnt things I had not come across before', 'Learnt alot', 'Makes me want to check our fire procedures etc', 'Good interaction, well explained', 'Very good', 'Useful knowledge gained', 'Good information and well delivered', 'Interesting and worth the time'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher:
'Overall, Excellent', 'Great refresher and to see what had changed', 'Excellent presenting using a virtual platform', 'Good interaction with Richard', 'I would recommend this course to others', 'Excellent', 'Interesting and informative', 'Excellent presenting skills, interesting and answered our questions', 'Clear, easy to understand with great real life examples', 'Great update, did'nt realise so much had changed', 'Very good, good interaction'.

Fire Marshal:
'Great job, very informative', 'Very clear, everything was covered', 'Training was informative', 'Well communicated and easy to understand', 'Very good', 'Very useful training', 'Good information and very useful training', 'Great examples, informative, like the trainer', 'Great course, very useful'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics:
'Thank you, great course', 'Very enjoyable three days, Richard made me feel relaxed', 'The entire course was very useful and informative. i found it very interesting', 'Very enjoybale course', 'Richard is very good, very entertaining and a good communicator', 'Engaging course', 'Great trainer - enjoyable course', 'Provided real life examples to help bring the content to life', 'Great course, engaging and enjoyable'.

IOSH Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing:
'Excellent presentation', 'Good group interaction with the use of case studies', 'Excellent, very interesting to learn about a serious subject but put across in a light and informative way', 'Good fun, interesting and informative', 'Well structured course, great delivery, I enjoyed all of it', 'Overall, just excellent', 'Excellent, all our questions were answered, would recommend', 'Just right for me and my job role', 'Enhanced my understanding of managing occupational health and wellbeing', 'Presented with professionalism and understanding', 'The course was presented very well that linked course content with real life examples making it easier to understand'.

COSHH Awareness:
'Good course, well presented', 'Good use of the virtual training', 'Enjoyed the virtual session and being able to use the different functions', 'Great course, well presented', 'I learnt quite a few new things today - thanks', 'Nice course, some good interaction'.

IOSH Fire Safety for Managers:
 'Helped give me the tools to do the job', 'Helped my understanding to ensure compliance', 'Very good day', 'All of it was very useful', 'Good information on improving our fire safety culture', 'Time well spent', 'Helped understand the importance of a fire safety culture for my team and site', 'Helped and confirmed my understanding of what is needed'.

COSHH Awareness:
'All of the event was useful to keep myself and colleagues safe', 'Great refresher', 'The trainer was on top of his game', 'The trainer explained everything very well', 'Good interaction with delegates', 'Enjoyed the training, the information will be useful', 'Good course, met its objectives'.

IOSH Working Safely:
'Excellent delivery, interactive course', 'Interesting course, will book again', 'Easy to understand, examples provided throughout', 'Trainer was engaging, relaxed and easy to understand', 'Richard made it fun and interacted with everyone', 'A really good course to do', 'Good interaction', 'Good course, excellent delivery'.

Principles of risk assessment: 'Great day's training', 'Made specific to us, great interaction', 'Being able to use our paperwork worked really well for the group', A day well spent for the team', 'Great delivery style', 'Great course, well done', 'I feel much better about completing risk assessments', 'Nice pace, good humour to the training', 'I'm much better equipped now to do risk assessments'.
IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics:
‘I was extremely happy with the course and the trainer’, ‘the course was effectively paced’, ‘Good content, well delivered’, ‘I really enjoyed the 3 days’, ‘Good explanations were given by the trainer’, ‘Great trainer’, ‘I learnt how the health and safety culture can be improved on a daily basis’, ‘Enjoyed the course, well delivered’

Safe Use of Ladders: '
Very good course', 'Will help me in my daily use of ladders', 'Very informative', 'Very good', 'Kept our attention and answered our questions', 'Made time to answer our questions to ensure best practice', 'Good course', 'Thanks, very useful'.

Risk Assessment: 
'Very good', 'Good delivery and content', 'Very good value, good job', 'Very appropriate', 'Very effective and good group discussions', 'Very useful to me in my job role', 'Useful and clearly presented', 'Very informative and well delivered', 'Good course', Very professional delivery, great course, straight forward and easy to understand'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics:
'Great course, well delivered', 'Great delivery style', 'Enjoyed the interaction and work related examples', 'Good course', 'Very entertaining trainer', 'Good course materials and examples provided', 'Very good course', 'Related content to my job role', 'Very useful'.

UKATA Asbestos Awareness:
'Very good', 'Very informative', Answered our questions and gave work related examples', 'Useful refresher', 'Steve is very entertaining', 'Very good course and content', 'Enjoyed the refresher session'.

IOSH Managing Safely:
'Rich was amazing brought his passion to the subject', 'I really enjoyed this course and will recommend it to others', 'Entertaining, engaging with a lot of detail', 'Rich was spot on, made the course very interesting and entertaining...who said health and safety was boring...not this guy!', 'Thank you, very useful and relevant', 'Amazing trainer, the most interesting course I've been on', 'Excellent course, excellent instructor - thank you', 'Amazing, can't believe how much I've learnt', 'Great course, really enjoyed it'.

IOSH Working Safely:
‘Excellent course, well delivered’, ‘Trainer was a very nice guy, good course’, ‘Excellent, the delivery was just right’, ‘Interesting one day course’, ‘Great course, excellent delivery’, ‘I learnt things about safety I did not previously know, very useful’, ‘Good course, nice pace of delivery’, ‘Very suitable, very to understand content’, ‘Excellent delivery, easy to understand’.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 
‘Very good course’, ‘Very useful refresher, particularly the risk assessment and asbestos parts’, ‘Enjoyed the course, Rich is enthusiastic and keeps it interesting’, ‘Good overall course’, ‘Very good’, ‘Enjoyed all the modules, interesting stuff’, ‘All very informative’, ‘Useful work related course with up to date material’, ‘Well delivered, interesting course’.

IOSH Safe Supervising in
 ‘Learnt a lot applicable to my job role’, ‘I learnt something new’, ‘Great course with Rich’, ‘Highly informative and great course’, ‘Very informative instructor’, ‘Brilliant job in presenting the course, ideal balance of humour and occupation’, ‘I enjoyed the course’, ‘Great course, well presented’.

IOSH Managing Safely: ‘Very interesting course, I feel more prepared for my job role’, ‘The event was presented perfectly’, ‘Very good course, well presented’, ‘I would fully recommend the course to anyone’, ‘Excellent course delivery’, ‘Time well spent, relevant to my job role’, ‘Great trainer, very honest and happy to answer our questions’

COSHH Awareness:
 ‘Great course’, ‘The whole course was useful’, ‘Well done, great job’, ‘Richard is the best trainer!’, ‘Was relevant to my job role’, ‘Concise and comprehensive’, ‘Great refresher’, ‘Relevant and brought my knowledge up to date’, ‘Made relevant to my job’.

IOSH Managing Safely:
'Actually learned alot about H&S', 'Rich was an excellent tutor, delivered the content very well. He is patient and explained everything very well', 'Great course', 'The enthusiasm of Richard really made the course interesting and kept me engaged', 'Really gained alot from this course', 'I found the course very insightful and it will be very useful for my job role', 'The trainer made the course easier by being very engaging and very easy to listen to - very impressed', 'Enjoyable and informative course', ‘Whole course delivered extremely well, learnt a lot – thanks to Rich’, ‘Well delivered course’, ‘Really engaging course, enjoyable and motivated me to learn’, ‘Very well presented’, ‘Great training, enjoyed the engagement and exercises’, ‘Very funny man’, ‘Enjoyed this course more then any other’, ‘Overall, a very good course’.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All very useful', 'It's a perfect course', 'Enjoyed it more than I thought I would', 'I have learnt alot and I feel more confident for when I return to work', 'Enjoyable course', 'Funny and knowledgeable trainer', 'Excellent trainer, made the course enjoyable', 'The trainer was brilliant at delivering the course, fun and enjoyable', 'Good tutor'.

IOSH Pallet Racking Inspector: 'Instructor was very good, excellent delivery', 'Course fit for purpose, very well delivered', 'Very good', 'Made me more aware of the importance of racking checks, and the dangers if they are not carried out', 'Well delivered', 'Would recommend, good trainer'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Brilliantly led by Rich, beyond my expectations in every way', 'I even enjoyed the law parts', 'I appreciate health and safety alot more noe', 'Enjoyed the exercises and interaction', 'Good course, perfect facilitator', 'Learnt lots of new things', 'Excellent', 'Great interaction and stories', 'Great delivery', 'The whole course was well delivered'.

Manual Handling Train the Trainer: 'Very good and well presented', 'The whole course was good', 'Very good', 'Even the law part was interesting', 'Great', 'Very good and personally very valuable', 'Very suitable'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Richard made me feel comfortable and was very knowledgeable', 'I gained a better understanding of risk assessments and the law', 'The whole course was useful', 'The tutor was good at his job', 'Good course', 'Gained a much better understanding of H&S', 'The group exercises were useful'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I really enjoyed the course', 'Energetic and enthusiastic instructor', 'Learnt alot of new skills', 'Good and knowledgeable trainer', 'Great trainer', 'Enjoyed the course, good interaction', 'Kept my attention over 5 days', 'Thnk you, enjoyed the course', 'Whole content, very useful', 'Clear instruction, videos and presentation', 'Learning aspects useful for my job role', 'One word - Great'.

IOSH Pallet Racking Inspector: 'The whole course was useful, I did'nt realise how much was involved', 'Good course', 'All good, feel confident to complete inspections', 'The amount of information will make my role easier to perform', 'Found the content useful', 'I feel alot better this time having done this course before with another provider', 'I'm excited about completing the inspections now'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Good course', 'Very informative and easy to learn. I really enjoyed it', 'Very funny and competent trainer', 'This opened my eyes, it will make me look at my job differently', 'Great course', 'Very informative, I will use the information gained on a daily basis'.

COSHH Awareness: 'Good refresher', 'Relevant and to the point', 'Trainer knew his stuff', 'Great, brought my knowledge upto date', 'Informative', 'Time well spent', 'Good clear information, answered our questions'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Great course, upto date information', 'Overall very informative, delivery was well presented in a professional manner', 'Really useful for my job role', 'Really helpful to me', 'Great course, well structured', 'Enjoyed the risk assessment elements', 'Great instructor, very approachable'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Comprehensive course, excellent course tutor', 'Enjoyed the variety of activities', 'Enjoyed the whole course', 'The course content was very useful, delievered in an easy to understand manner', 'Enjoyed the risk assessment elements', 'Great course', 'Enjoyed the whole course, great trainer'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Really enjoyed Richard's style and ancedotal information, been very enjoyable', 'Enjoyed the law session especially', 'Fantastic', 'Hope to do more courses with Rich', 'It was really interesting', 'Richard is a very good trainer, it was all very useful', 'Great trainer', 'Time well spent', 'Enjoyed the engagement and practical elements'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'I enjoyed the training alot', 'I have a better understanding of health and safety for my job role', 'Thank you', 'Great course, well delivered', 'A trainer with humour and the ability to deliver a great course', 'I feel happier in my role to return to work', 'Interesting and well delivered course'.

IOSH Pallet Racking Inspector: 'Really useful course, I feel confident to inspect our racking', 'Good course to enable the inspection of racking', 'This will help me back at work', 'Interesting course, well delivered', 'I will use this skill upon my return to work', 'Useful information to help me at work'.

IOSH Pallet Racking Inspector: 'I really enjoyed this course, Richard explained it really well', 'I enjoyed learning about the implications of racking damage and its effects', 'Good course', 'Time well spent', 'A day well spent, I have a much better understanding now', 'Great one day course'.

IOSH Safe Worker: 'Great days training', 'Very useful', 'Delivered the course very well', 'Good training session, well delivered', 'Our questions were answered in a practical manner', 'Good course', 'Well delivered, interesting stuff', 'Good refresher'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Learned alot about health and safety for my job role', 'Risk assessment exercise was really good', 'Great 3 days', 'Really enjoyed the law part and exercise', 'The trainer was very knowledgeable', 'Very good course', 'Really enjoyed the course'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Informative and enjoyable', 'Excellent trainer, kept the course interesting and answered our questions', 'Good refresher of the IOSH course', 'Excellent resfresher course', 'Interesting update, enjoyed the day', 'Good interaction and information provided', 'Well worth doing', 'Very useful and interesting course, well delivered'.

COSHH Awareness:
 'Good training session, lots of information', 'Very useful course', 'Useful training session', 'Good course', 'Good interaction and answered our questions', 'Really useful for my job', 'Time well spent', 'Really useful for my job role'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The information was put across so it was easy to understand', 'It was all really useful', 'Fantastic', 'Good fun', 'Rich made the course enjoyable and easy to digest with his humour', 'Richard was fully engaging and made the course interesting', 'Enjoyable and informative', 'Really enjoyable course', 'Richard's subject knowledge and commitment was excellent', 'Very happy to use what I've learnt back at work'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'The tutor was excellent', 'Very enthusiastic and engaging trainer', 'The whole training course was effective and informative, it was perfect', 'Great course, very engaging', 'Really enjoyed the course', 'I learnt such alot', 'Great interaction, held my attention'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Very informative', 'Upto date information provided which was useful', 'Well delivered course, informative', 'Interesting day with good levels of engagement', 'Good course, informative stuff', 'A day well spent, learnt alot', 'Just right level of information'.

Manual handling: 'Very good course', 'Just right for my job role', 'Very good with upto date information', 'Very good course, all parts of it were useful', 'Good course which was well presented', 'Very relevant to my job role', 'Good all round manual handling course'

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All of it was well presented by Richard', 'Great intercation, held my attention throughout', 'Very well delivered', 'So much more than I was expecting, great course', 'Not boring like other H&S courses I have attended', 'This guy knows his stuff', 'All of the course was informative and can be applied to day-to-day activities', 'We all learnt alot', 'I found the course very useful', 'Enjoyed everything about the course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The course allowed us to put theory into practice', 'Effective trainer, very knowledgeable who made the course interesting and fun', 'The practical elements worked well for me', 'Great course', 'Enjoyed the learning experience', 'The trainer was knowledgeable and engaging', 'Rich was patient and engaging', 'Extremely engaging and enjoyable course', 'The trainer was enthusiastic and able to maintain everyones interest'.

IOSH Managing Safely: Really good course, competent trainer', 'Great interaction', 'Richard is a fantastic trainer and has made the course enjoyable', 'All the sections were very good and full of information, gave me a much better understanding', 'Richard has been really nice and friendly with a great sense of humour', 'A most interesting course', 'All of it was really useful', 'A very enjoyable course with a very experienced trainer', 'Every aspect equally informative and helpful', 'Very useful, well presented by a competent and knowledgeable trainer', 'Richard was extremely engaging and made the course easy to apply', 'Richard has a fantastic delivery style which engages the audience for a great learning experience'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'A very good course, which was delivered excellently', 'Really enjoyed Richards style of training, felt engaged throughout the course', 'Well presented and relevant', 'Very good trainer, very engaging', 'Richard was an amazing trainer, great technique', 'Richard was friendly with vast knowledge, was able to answer our questions in relation to our jobs', 'Great interaction and practical elements'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Improved my health and safety knowledge', 'Thank you Richard', 'Great interaction and group work', 'Great course, great instructor', 'Real life realted examples helped the learning experience', 'First class training event', 'Great delivery and interaction', 'Superb course'.

Manual handling: 'Good information, answered our questions', 'Excellent', 'Enjoyed it with interesting facts', 'Good course', 'Well delivered, good information', 'Great, easy to understand', 'Very good', 'Excellent', 'Trainer was eay to understand and to learn from, 'Overall, very good'.

NEBOSH National General Certificate: 'The information came across well', 'Helped me understand parts of my role which I was unaware of previously', 'Very good delivery by the tariner, excellent knowledge of the subject matter', 'I feel the course was well set out and I wouldnt change anything', 'The trainer used real life examples, very knowledgeable', 'Really good course', 'Richard's knowledge is first class, enjoyed the course very much'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'This training has improved my health and safety knowledge', 'Great interaction throughout the course', 'The trainer has inspired me to continue my interest with health and safety', 'Rich did a great job', 'Gained a very good knowledge of health and safety', 'The whole course was great, in particular risk assessment and the law', 'Very practical course', 'Great tutor, the course flowed well with great intercation and practical exercises'.

IOSH Safe Worker: 'Overall a well informed training sesison, well done Rich', 'Richard was very informative, a knowledgeable trainer who explained things effectively', 'Great course', 'Enjoyed the course'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Really delivered with enthusiasm and passion, made it fun and interactive', 'Really enjoyed the course overall', 'Really enjoyable', 'Richard was an excellent instructor delivering the material and kept the group engaged', 'Very useful course', 'Enjoyed the practical elements', 'Great course, perfect approach to delivery from Richard', 'Really relevant to my job role', 'Engaging and fun delivery style', 'Great course'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Great and enjoyable three days, learnt alot', 'Good group interaction, our questions were answered and made relevant to our industry', 'First class delivery', 'Put at ease straight away, enjoyed the course', 'Great and effective presentation', 'Enjoyed the practical elements', 'The law was fun'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Best health and safety course I've attended', 'Great delivery and interaction throughout', 'H&S made sense', 'Achieved my personal goals', 'Time was allocated for group discussion to good effect', 'Great delivery', 'Good interaction by the trainer with the group', 'Great course, well delivered'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'In no way could I see any room for improvement', 'Very well paced and controlled course', 'Interesting course, the trainer held my attention throughout', 'Overall a great course, fantastic tutor', 'An enjoyable and interesting course', 'Good explanations and real life applications', 'Excellent trainer', 'Very good and easy to understand'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Very informative and interesting', 'Very enjoyable', 'Very interesting three days', 'Very useful for my job role', 'Richard did a great job in explaining things', 'Totally enjoyed it, well presented', 'All the information was relevant and useful for my job', 'Excellent, really enjoyed it', 'Great course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Brilliant event', 'Rich provided a greater understanding of health and safety', 'Richard was a fantastic tutor as he made the course very interesting throughout', 'The facilitation of the course was excellent!', 'The entire content was great, very thought provoking', 'The interaction and real life examples were useful', 'Richard explained everything really well', 'Well organised and professional course', 'Great practical components'.

Managing and Supervising Safely: 'Very informative and provided a good understanding', 'Well presented and clear', 'Excellent', 'Provided an update and reminded me of my duties', 'Very informative', 'Clear and good information', 'Very clear and professional delivery', 'Excellent, very helpful', 'Great, made me more aware of what I need to do everyday', 'Very good and well presented'.

IOSH Safe Worker: 'Good days training, very useful', 'Good interaction and information', 'A trainer with a sense of humour, made us at ease', 'Well worth the day', 'Well delivered course, kept us on track', 'Good interaction and spread of information', 'Very good course'.

IOSH Working Safely: 'Very good, well set out course', 'Course was suitable and role beneficial', 'The trainer was excellent with the perfect amount of seriousness and humour', 'I have very much enjoyed this course and it has given me a much more positive perspective on H&S', 'The trainer maintained our interest, good training', 'Very good, pitched at the right level', 'Very good', 'Great presenter', 'Very valuable and interesting course'.

Fire Marshal: 'Very effective, very clear delivery', 'Excellent', 'All parts, very useful', 'Very good', 'Very effective training course for the role of a Fire Marshal', 'Very detailed', 'Very good', 'Very good, clear and informative'.

NEBOSH National General Certificate: 'Richard was excellent at putting across the course detail', 'Very useful, meet all my requirements', 'Perfect course, meet my own requirements', 'Good venue and facilities', 'Very thorough and knowledgeable course, good value for money', 'Richard is very good', 'The venue was excellent and ideal for the delegates needs', 'The course has been brilliant', 'Everything was relevant to my job role, excellently delivered course', 'Richard was fantastic, he delivered the material really effectively'.

IOSH Safe Worker: 'Great course, well delivered', 'Good content for my job role', 'Good course, well presented', 'Delivered with humour and style', 'Interactive course, answered our questions with relevant examples', 'Maintained the groups interest throughout', 'Time well spent'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Very informative and knowledgeable', 'Very engaging and informative training', 'Richard was spot on, knowledgeable, funny and kept us engaged', 'Very worthwhile, engaging and funny', 'Excellent trainer, well done', 'Training excellent, trainer engaging', 'Excellent and relaxed course', 'Richard is brilliant at delivery, I enjoyed the course very much', 'One word - Fantastic'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Richard's approach and presentation is well executed and delivered in an engaging way', 'Great course, well delivered', 'No improvements are required', 'The visual and practical elements helped me alot', 'Very interactive', 'The trainer who gave the course was fantastic', 'Great course, will help me in my job role', 'Great course, thank you'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I have gained a better understanding of health and safety', 'The instructors knowledge of the subject matter was excellent and therefore made the learning process more effective', 'No improvement needed', 'Great training course, much better than I anticipated', 'Excellent course, content and trainer', 'Great trainer, very enthusiastic and infectious', 'I found Richard to be a very effective trainer, he maintained our interest', 'I understand my responsibilities to maintain a safe workplace'. 

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All of it was very useful', 'Excellent presentation from Richard', 'The trainer was very engaging', 'Very informative and surprisingly entertaining', 'Very insightful, engaging trainer', 'Good course', 'Richard was excellent and had a real passion for QHSE, his knowledge and passion was engaging and made it easy to pick up and learn the information'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'I found the whole course useful', 'Very good course', 'Very informative course', 'Very useful and beneficial', 'Nice paced course', 'Interesting information', 'Very useful day, time well spent'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent presentation and trainer knowledge', 'The course was delivered in a relaxed manner', 'Very good course', 'Plenty of group discussion and interaction', 'A good variety of teaching methods were used', 'Excellent', 'Thoroughly enjoyed it', 'Very informative, enjoyed the five days', 'I feel alot more confident after this course', 'Really enjoyed throughout, structure and learning was excellent'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The course was delivered in a professional manner and very informative. Also delivered with good humour', 'I've learnt alot of new aspects of health and safety', 'Very well presented', 'Excellent learning and made it fun', 'First rate course, want to do more', 'Great course that was excellently delivered by Richard', 'Good mix of information', 'Very enjoyable and interesting', 'Excellent teaching and sense of humour'. 

IOSH Safe Worker: 'Very suitable and relevant', 'Really enjoyed the course and content', 'Very good', 'Very helpful, 'Very suitable for my job role', 'Very good value course', 'Very informative, every explained really well', 'Well presented course', 'Good all round course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Richard delivered the course in an excellent manner', 'Very well presented, great interaction', 'Very informative and entertaining trainer', 'Very useful and in detail', 'The tutor made it very interesting', 'Excellent all round', 'I even found the law section interesting', 'Richard was excellent', 'Great communication skills, allowed time for interaction', 'Great course, well delivered'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All very good', 'Excellent', 'Excellent presenting skills', 'Excellent five days', 'First class, great interaction, the instructor made it fun and easy to learn', 'Good and useful examples were given', 'Great course delivery', 'First class - excellent instructor and course', 'Well worth my time', 'Great course, good interaction'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent all round course', 'The trainers stories were entertaining', 'An exciting five days', 'Lots of interaction and variation', 'Excellent course delivery, very interesting', 'Richard has a warm and friendly approach, first class delivery', 'The presentation style was the best part - just great', 'This will help me in the workplace', 'Great interaction', 'Great course, one of the best', 'Practical sessions were very good', 'Very professional delivery', 'Interesting and very interactive', 'The trainer was excellent and extremely knowledgeable on his subject'.

IOSH Working Safely: 'Excellent content and delivery', 'Really opened my eyes to different hazard types', 'I have learnt alot', 'I would recommend this training company to others', 'Great course, well delivered', 'The hazard board game worked really well for us, we were put at ease at once', 'Great trainer, answered our questions and let us engage and chat', 'Good course, probably what I needed', 'A good day, well spent'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Very effective training delivery', 'Great trainer, very knowledgeable', 'The whole course was useful, I have taken alot away', 'Very interesting and intense', '3 days well spent', 'Very interesting, good interaction', 'Great course, learnt alot', 'Very useful for my job role'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The content and delivery of the material was excellent', 'This course was taught very well', 'The whole course was really useful', 'Richard is an excellent tutor, very engaging and open minded with adaptability in dealing with specific individual needs', 'Excellent', 'Well delivered in a relaxed atmosphere', 'Very good and informative', 'I found the law module of great interest', 'I enjoyed all of it', 'The trainer made the course more enjoyable with his sense of humour and stories'.

Spill Response: 'Covered the essentails of what we needed to know', 'Interesting and engaging', 'Answered all our questions in an engaging emvironment', 'Effective delivery', Great delivery style', 'Relaxed and engaging training', 'Time well spent, hope we don't have a major spill', 'Great effective delivery'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Principles of COSHH: 'Well delivered, took his time to answer our questions', 'Refreshed my memory', 'Put us at ease straight away', 'Good training session', 'Essential for my job role, enjoyed the training', 'Interesting stuff', 'I feel better about COSHH', 'I would recommend this course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Helped develop my understanding of health and safety', 'Richard was excellent and presented the course well', 'Great delivery of training', 'Extremely well delivered with humour', 'Richard made the course enjoyable, took time to answer our questions and the course was well paced', 'I've learnt alot', 'Very informative and very helpful', 'I feel better equipped to do my job role', 'Great entertaining training delivery'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Aninteresting and engaging three days', 'Learnt alot', 'The whole course was great and opened my eyes to health and safety', 'Richard was very helpful and explained things well', 'Excellent course', 'Very well presented', 'Excellent course, would highly recommend all management levels attend', 'Great course, covered all our day to day issues'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent course, great interation', 'Nothing could be improved about this course and it's delivery', 'Being involved at all points made it easier to learn', 'The pace of learning was ideal, Richard made sure evrything was understood', 'Very educational', 'Well executed and a big thank you', 'Excellent', 'The trainer was really good and calming, I learnt alot', 'Great course, delivery and time well spent'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The level of information was excellent', 'What I learned has made me look at things differently, regarding health and safety', 'The course was ideal', 'Good course, excellent content, good instructor - no improvement needed', 'The instructor was very informative and approachable', 'Very well presented', 'I did'nt realise health and safety was so interesting', 'The course has helped me alot', 'The trainer put me at ease and was very helpful', 'Very educational', 'Very entertaining and informative'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Everything was well presented and delivered', 'It was all enjoyable, the presentation was to a very high standard, 'Excellent', 'I enjoyed the relaxed altmoshere provided by the trainer', 'A well delivered course', 'Great course', 'Everything was perfect', 'Enjoyed the content and delivery style', 'Well delivered, one of the best trainers I have had'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in the Principles of Risk Assessment: 'Excellent course', the trainer had excellent knowledge', 'A suitable and valuable course', 'very effective', 'Fulfilled all our requirements'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very effective, clear and informative', 'Really interesting', 'Very good', 'The time went quickly, I enjoyed it to my surprise', 'Excellent - clear, concise, open and uses his experiences well', 'Thank you for an excellent and enjoyable course', 'The programme opened my eyes for more aspects of health and safety', 'Excellent and engaging', 'Taught at a good pace and made sure everyone understood before moving on'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent all round course', 'First class delivery', 'Very interesting and an eye opener', 'Enjoyed being brought upto date, very interesting and informative', 'Richard presented the course in a very passionate and interesting way, keeps you focussed and alert', 'NEBOSH next for me', 'Great five days', 'Great course, well delivered, good participation levels', 'Enjoyed it - awesome'

CIEH Level 3 Award Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Learnt more than I expected', 'The trainer made me feel comfortable', 'Very interesting event', 'Very good', 'Very enjoyable and interesting', 'Richard is a really good trainer, he explained everything really well', 'Very good', 'Engaging style'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Very good course, interested to learn on legislative updates', 'Excellent, well thought out and presented', 'Great refresher', 'Extremely useful especially with legislative changes', 'Excellent, very well presented', 'Excellent and very effective course', 'Very professionally delivered', 'Enjoyed the course and bringing my knowledge upto date', 'Very informative', 'Richard is very well informed and delivered the message with a professional style'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent course, well delivered and communicated', 'Time for discussion with sensible answers provided', 'Enjoyed the hands-on approach', 'Great course', 'Enthusiastic trainer', 'Enjoyed all five days'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'The whole course was relevant to my role', 'Very suitable', 'Very good', 'First rate', 'Well delivered', 'It was clear, well delivered material', 'I gained new information', 'The course was interesting from start to finish', 'Very good and informative', 'Very interesting and filled some knowledge gaps''

Manual handling: 'Very good', 'Excellent refresher', 'Clear and easy to understand', 'I learned something new today', 'Very good', 'Good communication skills and energetic', 'Very interesting'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Very informative and interesting', 'Good refresher course', 'Good all round course', 'Very informative', 'The entire course was extremely useful', 'Great trainer, easy to ask questions to', 'Fantastic', 'Suitable for my job role', 'Good trainer, made it interesting'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Richard. I fely very nervous at the beginning and left feeling confident', 'Very enjoyable course', 'Excellent delivery', 'The trainer kept it interesting, I enjoyed the practical approach', 'Great trainer, delivered the content really well', 'Things were explained really well', 'Great interaction, information and presentation style', 'Excellent - no improvement needed', 'Excellent tutor, informative, confident and competent'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent, friendly and relaxed course', 'I would definitely recommend this to others', 'Presented extremely well', 'Richard's delivery was excellent', 'This was not too theoretical, it will be easy to put what I've learnt into practice', 'Richard made the course understandable and enjoyable', 'Two words - just excellent'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Great teaching and approach', 'Very good course, learnt alot', 'Well presented course', 'Brilliant, made an unexciting topic easier to cope with', 'High valuable', 'Excellent, engaging, approachable, obviously knows his stuff', 'Money and time well spent', 'Patient and funny', 'Very good and suitable'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The instructors knowledge was first class', 'Very effective delivery and style', 'Enjoyed all the five days', 'Richard made it interesting and interactive', 'Overall, very enjoyable', 'Excellent presentation skills', 'Excellent course, delivered fantastically', 'The trainer was helpful with a good sense of humour', 'Everything was clearly explained'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Brilliant trainer, made it enjoyable', 'Excellent and entertaining', 'Very good, he explained everything clearly', 'Brilliant, interesting and interactive', 'The trainer was amazing', 'Really enjoyed the course, the trainer was well spoken and explained everything', 'Very good and knowledgeable trainer', 'The course was enjoyable and will help my career', 'Training was excellent, informative and worth 3 days away from the workplace', 'I really enjoyed it!', 'Clear communication, good interaction'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'A very good course which was well presented', 'Excellent presentation skills', 'The trainer explained things very well and in detail', 'Good interaction and exercises', 'The subject was made interesting', 'Good relaxed atmosphere', 'Interesting and enjoyable course', 'I will be sending more Managers on this course'.

Manual handling: 'Good training session', 'Very good', 'Informative and to the point', 'Very suitable and useful', 'Very good informative training', 'Updated my knowledge', 'Good interactive training', 'Very useful training for my job role', 'Very good clear advice', 'Very good training, effective trainer'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment: 'Very good engaging session', 'Excellent training and practical value', 'Very funny trainer', 'Engaging and effective delivery', 'Good days training', 'Good delivery style, kept us engaged and interested', 'Excellent training course'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good delivery', 'Very suitable and of value', 'Very good', 'Very good, informative and clear', 'Excellent days training', 'Very engaging delivery style', 'Excellent, enjoyed the hands on approach', 'Great training course', Thanks, really enjoyed the day'

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very clear, very humorous', 'Excellent course, brilliant trainer, very interesting and enjoyable', 'Excellent, effective communicator', 'Excellent subject knowledge', 'Very effective and enjoyable course', 'Effectively communicated', 'Very informative', 'Clear presentation style', 'Engaging, funny, presented clearly and professional', 'Outstanding and inspired training'

Manual handling: 'Enjoyed the session', 'Good interaction and answered our questions', 'Great training course', 'Really engaging trainer', 'Excellent', 'Very clear delivery style', 'Good relevant information', 'Related to our workplace, good mix of interaction'

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Informative and enjoyable course', 'It was fun', 'Richard was a very nice guy and delivered the course in a very good style', 'Brilliant, really enjoyed the training. Richard was excellent', 'Very clear and knowledgeable trainer', 'The trainer made it fun and enjoyable, it was a pleasure to be on this course', 'A passionate, engaging and enthusiastic trainer'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Principles of COSHH: 'Very good and informative', 'Insighful training session', 'Suitable, valuable information', 'I found it very useful', 'Suitable and valuable', 'Effective, used humour to lighten tone and made it interesting', 'Very effective delivery', 'Very valuable for my job role', 'I have gained some knowledge on things I didn't know', 'Competent delivery', 'Very good, the trainer knew his stuff', 'Overall, very good'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Great refresher course, which helped me re-focus on key H&S elements', 'Informative and relevant information', 'Very suitable days training', 'Trainer was excellent', 'Very good, clear and easy to follow material', 'All of it was relevant to my job role', 'Good and clear H&S communication', 'Great IOSH refresher course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The way it was delivered made the days enjoyable', 'Really enjoyed it', 'Excellent training and trainer', 'Great course', 'The trainer was very knowledgeable and put everyone at ease. great sense of humour broke the apprehension', 'Just 1st class', 'All aspects of the course were new to me, so it was all useful', 'Great interaction, the trainer was very helpful', 'Everything was explained well', 'Richard was a very good trainer', 'I really enjoyed the whole experience', 'Richard made it enjoyable'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'I enjoyed it, the trainer was great, he explained everything', 'The greatest trainer I have ever met', 'It gave me a great insight and will help me in my job role', 'Excellent trainer with great knowledge', 'Excellent course and will be extremely useful in my job role', 'I was surprised to enjoy a three day health and safety course - well done', 'Very good delivery style', 'The trainer made the course enjoyable', 'I found it very interesting and it increased my H&S knowledge'. 

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'The course was well explained and I will be able to transfer the knowledge learnt to the wokplace', 'Very good and interesting', 'Just fab', 'Excellent trainer', 'Rich made the course very interesting and kept our attention', 'Excellent, very valuable', 'Very enjoyable and extremely informative', 'I feel this was a fantastic course', 'I found the course very valauble and excellently delivered'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Great course, would 100% recommend the provider', 'All really good', 'Excellent five days', 'Very interesting, well delivered', 'I have gained a great deal of knowledge and look forward to putting it into practice', 'I would definitely recommend Safety Improvements, thanks to Richard', 'Richards dry humour helps make the course enjoyable', 'Overall, well worth attending'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Excellent three days', 'Richard was an excellent trainer keeping us all involved', 'The trainer was very good and easy to understand', 'Excellent trainer, really knowledgeable', 'Very good and informative', 'I found the course excellent, informative and unbelievably fun', 'The course was well suited to my managerial role', 'Excellent course, a must!', 'Very effective delivery', 'Very good, I actually enjoyed it', 'I was interested all the way through', 'An health and safety course where we had a laugh', 'Excellent, I really enjoyed it', 'Very pleasant guy, he knew his stuff'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Great course, relaxed atmosphere', 'Just right', 'Very good', 'Excellent days training', 'Very well presented course, suited my needs', 'Excellent, enjoyed the practical element', 'Very suitable for my job role', 'Very good and informative', 'Open discussions with time for questions, highly recommend', 'Very suitable and of great value'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Facilitator - great knowledge and personality', 'The trainer made the subject engaging and interesting', 'Richard was very informative and made the course interesting', 'Trainers enthusiastic style made the subject entertaining', 'Fantastic all round', 'Richard explained things in detail, easy to understand', 'Informative, relaxed and friendly atmosphere', 'The instructors personality and teaching made the course enjoyable', 'Great course'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'I've learnt alot during this course', 'Very enjoyable', 'Excellent trainer, very informative', 'Very effective, informative and good explanations', 'One word - Brilliant', 'This was very useful, enjoyable and relevant to my job role', 'I enjoyed all of this course', 'The trainer explained things really well', 'The trainer had a positive impact on my learning style', 'I've learnt something new', 'Couldn't have asked for a better trainer'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'A clear well presented course', 'Course content very suitable', 'Good all round course', 'Trainer was very informative and helpful throughout the day', 'Good knowledge gained', 'Informative information well presented', 'Helpful and informative', 'It has provided me with knowledge and understanding to enable me to do my job more efficiently and effectively', 'Very good enjoyable day'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very suitable and informative', 'Competent delivery', 'More interesting and useful than I expected; relevant and suitable', 'The trainer was spot-on - thanks', 'It has made me realise the importance of H&S', 'His personality made the course', 'The trainer and the resources were very good', 'Very good and relevant examples', 'Excellent trainer, made the subject very enjoyable', 'Very valuable for me, very interesting training'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All of this was useful, great course', 'The whole course was better than I expected, it remained interesting throughout', 'Good interaction across all 8 modules', 'Great course, well delivered', 'Richard made the course interesting and answered our questions', 'I enjoyed the team work and quizzes', 'Very enjoyable course', 'I would like to personally thank Richard for delivering the course in a great structured manner', 'Very informative', 'A very good experience'.

Fire Marshal: 'Good, informative', 'Very good, everything covered', 'Very good, answered our questions', 'Excellent trainer', 'Very good, keeps me upto date', 'Very suitable, good examples, effective delivery'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very comprehensive and detailed', 'Very good, very helpful', 'Well presented, just right', 'A good course, well set out', 'Excellent day', 'Suitable and well delivered training', 'Very clear and concise', 'Friendly and well presented', 'Excellent, well presented'.

CDM Regulations: 'Very relevant to my job role', 'Answered all our questions', 'Good course, well delivered', 'Good upadte from previous training', 'All very good', 'I don't this this could be improved', 'Good session', 'Helped my understanding of the Regulations', 'Good course, relaxed atmosphere'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Great, plenty of time to discuss issues', 'Glad I attended, very effective delivery', 'Very valuable course', 'Execellent trainer, great skill', 'Enjoyed the three days', 'Good course, enjoyable and inetractive', 'Enjoyed the risk assessment elements, I feel more confident about H&S', 'Great course'.

Safe system of work: 'Very productive, effective training', 'knowledgeable and effective', 'Very knowledgeable', 'Very helpful, excellent content', 'Good delivery, friendly and approachable', 'Superb, clearly knows his stuff', 'Very good all round', 'Found it exceptionally well presented, pitched right and enjoyable', Brilliant', 'Very interesting thoroughout'.

COSHH Risk Assessment: 'Knowledgeable, will help in my job role', 'Suitable for me as a manager', 'Very informative', 'Very good, very informative, glad I did it, very useful', 'Very good, the day went surprisingly fast', 'Very useful for my job', 'Very interesting course', 'Well presented, informative and affirming'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Great instructor, so informative, excellent delivery', 'Fantastic, great knowledge', 'Kept the interest of the group for the whole 3 days', 'One word - Brilliant', 'Excellent trainer, great delivery', 'Very helpful and understanding trainer', 'Made the learning easy and enjoyable', 'Helped me learn alot about health and safety', 'Great value, will help me alot'.

Machinery Safety Awareness: 'Clearly explained and delivered', 'Good training course', 'Good use of my time, felt the benefit', 'Good course, well delivered', 'Refreshed my memory', 'Well delivered, answered questions clearly relevant to my job role', 'Good examples, relevant to our work', 'Execllent delivery', 'Good course, related to our workplace'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Really enjoyable, was a great help, will implement what I have learnt', 'Very good course', 'Excellent, engaging and one of the best', 'Very valuable, kept us engaged', 'Great, found it very useful', 'I would recommend this course and provider', 'Richard is an excellent trainer', 'The trainer engaged the group, made it very interesting'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I would definitely recommend Safety Improvements and Training, really excellent course', 'Excellent, relevant and enjoyable', 'Informative and well paced', 'Excellent, time to discuss issues and get a sensible answer', 'All very good', 'Excellent presenting, excellent facilities, what more can I say', 'I was initially concerned, warm and relaxed welcome, well presented and enjoyable course'.

Safe use of ladders: 'Lots of info which was needed and relevant', 'Very good trainer', 'Brilliant course, learnt new information', 'Great session', 'Very suitable for use of ladders', 'Very good informative trainer'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'All parts of the course have been useful to me and I have gained alot of health and safety knowledge', 'Worth doing, enjoyable', 'The trainer was really good and comes across very friendly', 'Excellent, everything well explained', 'Very good and suitable', 'The trainer was excellent, understanding and clear', 'This course has changed my point of view to a positive one', 'Very good, made it interesting'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Interesting and engaging', 'Good and very practical', 'Clear, concise and knows what he's talking about', 'Excellent', 'Articulate and informative', 'Very informative', 'Very good, useful for work and home', 'Very good', 'Very good practical sessions'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Really good experience', 'Explained everything in a clear language', 'Amazing tariner', 'This course will help with my career', 'Excellent, well worth it', 'A good investment of my time', 'Great instructor, course delivered at a good speed and well explained', 'Very good', 'I have a much better understanding of health and safety at work', 'Excellent', 'I was surprised, I really enjoyed it - well done'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good course content and delivery', 'Very competent and professional', 'I enjoyed the practical exercises and getting it right', 'Very good and informative', 'Very good all round', 'A good approach to instruction', 'Good refresher, enjoyed the practical elements'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very good, explained everything well', 'I found the course enjoyable', 'Fantastic, excellent detail', 'Suitable for my job role, very effective delivery', 'Very good, able to associate the material to our jobs', 'Will help with my job', 'Very good, pleasant and friendly trainer', 'Very effective and highly suitable'.

Work at height risk assessment: 'Very good', 'Good, very suitable', 'Easy to understand, a practical approach', 'Everything was explained clearly', 'Good', 'Very good, related to our activities', 'Very effective and useful', 'Enjoyed the practical element', 'Easy to understand and clear explanations'.

Principles of Risk Assessment: 'Very useful', 'Knowledgeable and kept it entertaining', 'Informative and useful', 'Very clear, good practical sessions', 'Good course', 'Very good', 'All very relevant and helpful', 'Very effective and practical exercises'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very good and informative', 'Well delivered by an excellent trainer', 'A pleasure to have sat this course', 'Richard made it interesting and engaging', 'Good, enjoyed it', 'Excellent', 'Perfect and engaging', 'Excellent insight into health and safety', 'I found it very useful, educational with a great tutor', 'Clear language, very good attitude', 'Excellent - informative and educational', 'One of the best courses I have attended', 'Excellent, made it interesting, light hearted and got the message across'

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good, nice patter', 'Enjoyable and well presented', 'Trainer was very knowledgeable and answered our questions', 'Very informative and interesting', 'Well delivered and engaging', 'Very good, learnt some life skills', 'Very informative and useful', 'Well delivered and relevant'

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'All very useful, the trainer made it interesting, was very knowledgeable', 'Great trainer', 'I enjoyed the 3 day course I found it very interesting', 'Excellent presentation and delivery', 'I believe this course is brilliant, knowledge improved', 'Very informative course, very effective delivery', 'Enjoyable, Richard was an excellent trainer', 'Good communicator', 'Easy to understand, great communicator, funny and approachable', 'Excellent information', 'Very good, learned alot!'.

Principles of Manual Handling: 'Very suitable and of great value to me personally', 'Very good', 'Very useful', 'Very good with clear explanations', 'Good informative training', 'Very effective delivery and informative', 'Great, expanded my knowledge', 'Interesting, eye opening and useful', 'Great trainer, got evrybody involved'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Really enjoyed it, he knew his stuff and was helpful', 'Excellent, good sense of humour, engaging and rain-man like knowledge', 'Excellent, very suitable', 'Very effective, very informative, excellent presenter', 'Very informative, excellent trainer with expert knowledge and presentation skills', 'The trainer was very good', 'I have taken alot of knowledge from this course'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good, learnt alot of valuable knowledge', 'Very good, very informative', 'Very satisfied with both the trainer and content', 'Very good', 'Very good, very clear', 'Very good with clear demonstrations', 'Well presented course', 'Very good, enjoyed all of it'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good, all relevant', 'Good experience, I hope I never have to use it', 'Very good, very informative', 'Course delivered clearly and answered all questions', 'Very interesting', 'Very valuable and effective delivery', 'Very good, enjoyed the practical elements', 'Just right, good videos'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Excellent, there's no more to say', 'Met my objectives, refreshed my understanding and brought me upto date', 'Excellent - informative - allowed conversations and experiences shared', 'As always delivered to a high standard', 'Very good for a refresher course', 'Good refresher, maintains focus', 'Knowledgeable and interactive'.

Manual handling: 'Very useful course', 'very good, got his point across', 'Most suitable and educational', 'Well delivered and quite interesting', 'Good and clear', 'Useful for my job role'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good and informative', 'Good to know', 'Very effective, brilliant', 'Reinforced my knowledge, good course', 'Very useful, got his message across', 'All aspects were useful', 'Very good, learnt alot', 'Very good, got the points over well'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent all round', 'Eye opening, you dont realise what you take for granted', 'I would recommend this course and Safety Improvements to others', 'Richard made the course very interesting', 'Content and delivery were spot on', 'Excellent', 'Improved my overall knowledge', 'Just right for me in my role', 'Very good, nice pace and able to ask questions and get a sensible answer'.

Health and Safety for Managers: 'Very suitable and informative', 'Very good and helpful', 'Excellent, very informative and answered questions in detail', 'Effective delivery', 'A valuable use of my time', 'Suitable and covered relevant aspects', 'Excellent', 'Very suitable and informative'.

Principles of manual handling: 'Very valuable, Richard was knowledgeable and positive', 'Interesting and clearly explained', 'Very good', 'Very helpful for my job role', 'Very effective and informative', 'Informative and related to our job roles', 'Good explanations given, informative and relevant'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Really good, enjoyed the programme', 'Trainer was very good, kept our interest', 'I feel more confident in the subject', 'Very engaging and informative', 'Excellent course, given me a clear H&S understanding', 'Very good', 'Very effective, great trainer', 'Good communicator, very useful with good interaction', 'Great training, learned alot from this course', Excellent trainer, extremely informative'.

Risk Assessment: 'Very good course', 'Very thorough, raised my awareness', 'I enjoyed it', 'The course was very valuable to me, I now understand how to risk assess', 'Very good, great communication', 'Great training', 'Very good and very useful', 'Very informative'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Made me more aware of the importance of H&S', 'Kept us engaged', 'Richard was very good and helpful', 'Improved my knowledge and understanding', 'Brilliant trainer, answered all our questions', 'Engaging and effective', 'Gave a great insight', 'I don't think this could be improved', 'I really enjoyed it'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Environmental Principles and Best Practice: 'Very informative and useful', 'Clearly knew his stuff', 'Well presented course, useful information', 'Tailored to our requirements', 'Very informative, engaging and friendly', 'The course was just right for me', 'Enlightening and engaging'.

DSE for Users and Operators: 'Well presented and gives a good understanding of the importance of DSE in the workplace', 'Very informative', 'Clear and easy to understand', 'It helped me understand how to work safely', 'Very competent, informative and helpful', 'All areas were explained and it was easy to understand', 'Informative', 'Clear and precise with good information', 'Good delivery, helpful guidance'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very confident delivery, valuable course', 'Brilliant, first class', 'I found the course very interesting and I gained alot from it', 'Very effective, clear and approachable', 'Very good and engaging', 'Very suitable and valuable for my role', 'Rich was brill, very easy to understand', 'Really good, enjoyed it', 'Strengthened my H&S knowledge', 'Richard was great, we had some fun', 'Excellent, very useful for my job role'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work: 'It was great to get the knowledge to help you feel more confident in case of an emergency', 'Great!', 'Very approachable trainer', 'Really good, everything well expalined', 'Entertaining and understandable', 'Very helpful, a good course', 'Course was very suitable, very informative and practical', 'Really enjoyed the course, taught thoroughly', 'Time well spent'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Very good course', 'Delivered with a sense of humour', 'An ideal refresher', 'Very good, great knowldege', 'Very good, easy to understand', 'Very good', 'Richard was great', 'Good to keep yourself upto date', 'Ther whole course was very good', 'Very relevant and enjoyable', 'A day well spent'.

Principles of risk assessment: 'I enjoyed it and will share my knowledge with my team', 'Very interesting', 'The trainer was the best yet', 'Very good, a very informative course', 'Very useful', 'Very good and easy to understand', 'Learned alot, very informative', 'Very helpful course, especially the last practical in our workplace', 'Very clear instruction, very good'.

Racking Inspection: 'Excellent training session, clear with good information', 'Very good', 'Very informative and helpful', 'Very effective, gained extra knowledge', 'Helped me with the understanding of structures and the safe use', 'Excellent', 'Good course, well delivered and answered our questions'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very good, informative and interesting', 'The trainer was excellent, very informative and knew his stuff', 'My knowledge has improved on H&S, very effective teacher', 'Very good, enthusiastic and knowledgeable', 'Very suitable for my job role', 'Very valuable, good interaction', 'Very enthusiastic, made the subject interesting', 'Richard explained things effectively, very valuable information'.

Fire Warden: 'Brilliant, really interactive', 'Very good', 'Very funny, good quality of training', 'Really good and informative, kept it interesting', 'Very valuable lesson learnt and new knowledge gained', 'Brilliant and funny', 'Very informative and well explained', 'Awesome, gets participants involved'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Good course, well laid out', 'Very interesting, very nice and approachable instructor', 'An enjoyable and interesting course', 'Very engaging', 'Relevant to my job, good course', 'Excellent, very engaging', 'Very effective delivery, very valuable', 'Made it interesting', 'Very enjoyable', 'Very good, kept it interesting and did'nt mind having a laugh'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'A very good course, I have learnt alot', 'Perfect trainer, provided alot of information', 'Very effective delivery', 'Very good', 'I found the course very informative', 'A great trainer who knew his stuff and was able to help when I asked', 'Very good', 'A course of great value to me', 'Very helpful answered all our questions', 'Clear, excellent H&S knowledge', 'Very clear and informative, highly recommended'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent, I enjoyed all of the course', 'The course was delivered to a very high standard', 'I found the way the course was presented was superb, everyone was able to relate to it', 'An important subject explained thoroughly but so that it was understood, delivered superbly by Richard - approachable, friendly and helpful', 'Great course', 'I would recommend this course', 'The trainer delivered the content in a fantastic way', 'Richard explained everything very well'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I enjoyed how this course was presented and the knowledge gained', 'Excellent', 'Good interaction within the group', 'Good course, well presented', 'Was extremely well put over and I found it invaluable to our business', 'I would definitely recommend you to others', 'Excellent delivery over all four days'.

DSE for Users and Operators: 'Very informative, an eye opener', 'Very good', 'Very effective delivery, very interesting', 'Clear and concise, very useful', 'Very good, covered alot of points', 'The trainer was very good and easy to understand', 'Excellent', 'Good pace and answered our questions', 'Very enlightening, well explained', 'Good trainer, put alot of effort in', 'Very good', 'Excellent, well presented and informative', 'Clear and covered the bases', 'Effective, kept everyone involved', 'Very informative and concise'.

Manual handling: 'Rich was great with explanations and examples', 'Good', 'Everything was clearly explained', 'Easy to understand', 'Helpful, about right', 'Explained evrything in a good clear understandable way', Good and helpful'

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent, gave me a much better understanding of H&S', 'The games helped deepen my understanding, I would definately recommend this to others', 'It was brilliant', 'Richard made a 5 day course enjoyable and fun', 'Excellent, I enjoyed the practical elements', 'Relaxed atmosphere, enjoyable course, well delivered'.

Safe use of ladders and manual handling: 'Very effective, helped me alot', 'Very suitable', 'Good day, all very useful', 'Very valuable and effective delivery', 'Enjoyed it, very effective', 'Excellent, good trainer', 'Good course, learnt a few things I didnt know', 'Helped my understanding, very good'

Risk assessment: 'Very helpful course, opens your eyes', 'Very good, enjoyed the practical element in the production area', 'Very informative, related to my workplace', 'Informative and a hands-on approach', 'Put the course over very well', 'Very good', 'Kept the day interesting, suitable for my line of work', 'Practical approach, very informative'

IOSH Managing Safely: 'It was a great course, Richard makes the course enjoyable and provides answers relevant to your workplace', 'I would definitely recommend this course', 'Well presented, I learnt alot', 'Excellent', 'All of it was really useful', 'Overall the whole course was very informative and well delivered - enthusiastic trainer who is passionate about H&S', 'Great course, will be recommending you to others', 'Enjoyed the group work, made the course interesting'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very interesting 3 day course, I have learnt alot', 'Richard is easy to listen to and involves the group', 'Very good course and enjoyable', 'Richard made a difficult subject very enjoyable, a class act', 'Excellent course made interesting by Richard', 'Very good', 'Really positive trainer', 'Excellent, very helpful', 'Very informative, excellent', 'Very knowledgeable, nice guy, easy to get on with', 'Very interesting and informative', 'Provided a wealth of information to help me in my job role', 'Very good, he knows his stuff', 'Helped me understand H&S for my job role - top man'.

Health and Safety for Managers: 'Very suitable and informative', 'Good course, things explained well', 'Good, enjoyed it', 'Very good, alot of information', 'Very eye opening, a good communicator', 'Very interesting course', 'Good, very interesting'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Very enjoyable course, felt at ease', 'Very informative', 'Excellent, well structured and varied content', 'Very informative, would definitely recommend', 'Well run and presented, I have learnt skills that can be used in the workplace', 'Richard was brilliant, he found ways to ensure we all understood', 'Richard was informative and made everyone feel welcome'.

Accident investigation: 'Explained things well, tasks and techniques of good accident investigation', 'Enjoyed it, strengthened my knowledge', 'Very good, informative and enjoyable', 'I know feel better equipped to carry out an investigation', 'Very useful', 'Very good, Richard was good at getting his point across', 'Great, enjoyed the practical elements', 'A very good and informative course', 'Very informative', 'The trainer was great, enjoyed the day'.

Asbestos Awareness: 'Excellent, top draw', 'It opened my eyes, very informative', 'Great info!', 'Highly valued training, very effective delivery', 'Clear and concise information', 'Informative, a good refresher', 'Excellent', 'Learned alot about the dangers of asbestos', 'Very effective', 'Excellent, very good information and delivery'.

Manual handling: 'I was informed of things not known before, delivery came across very well', 'Very clear communication', 'Excellent, very useful', Very good and clear', 'Reinforced my knowledge, knew his subject matter', 'Very clear, explained and demonstrated', 'Very good', 'Very effective, clear communicator. Good mix of humour', 'Good, enjoyed it', 'Good practical and useful information'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I thought Richard was very engaging and did excellently to keep us all alert over 4 days', 'Excellent presenting skills, gaining a good understanding', 'Great presenter, made the course very enjoyable, great content, very well delivered', 'Well presented and delivered and remained interesting each day due to presentation methods', 'Enjoyed the involvement, Richard presented very well and kept the interest level up in the group', 'All good, Richard kept the course interesting'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very good, patient delivery', 'I enjoyed it, very informative', 'Very suitable, answered all our questions well', 'Good interaction with the group and individuals', 'Good communication skills and delivery of the course', 'Very knowledgeable and good delivery', 'Very good', 'Very friendly and helpful', 'The trainer was very informative and helpful'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'An excellent course superbly facilitated, thank you', 'Good information, changed my outlook', 'Excellent, would recommend this course and provider', 'Excellent delivery, made to fell relaxed', 'Enjoyed the participation, good interaction', 'Good mixture, well informed delivery', 'Enjoyed it - thanks'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Enjoyed the whole course', 'Trainer was excellent', 'Patient, made it easy to understand', 'Never seen this extensive knowledge - Great!', 'Excellent - Gold Star', 'Kept me interested at all times', 'Richard was very informative and helpful', 'Excellent trainer', 'The programme was very interesting to me, very informative', 'Very suitable, I will take away lots of new information that will be useful in my role', 'Good fun and helped alot', 'Very good, motivated and engaging', 'It provided me with all the information I required'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent, made the presentation interesting', 'Tutor knowledge and approach made it easy to understand', 'I found the course very interesting. Richard is a very good trainer and made the course more interesting for me', 'I enjoyed the trainers style, he knew how to engage with people', 'A very interesting course which I gained alot of knowledge giving me more confidence going forward', 'It was fantastic', 'Course delivered in a useful and practical way', 'The style of delivery was just right with appropriate humour, learning time and opportunity to interact', 'Made the learning fun!', 'Very interactive, good mix of content and participation'.

Manual handling: 'A really good course', 'Enjoyed the practical parts', 'Well delivered and presented with a bit of humour', 'Good trainer, knew his stuff', 'Enjoyable session, learnt something', 'Good interaction, well presented', 'Great chap, interesting course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent instruction, learnt alot', 'Thoroughly enjoyed the course', 'Very good information for my day to day job', 'Excellent facilitator, makes learning fun', 'Excellent all round course', 'Excellent course thoroughout', 'A great course to enrol on if wanting to gather more knowledge hazards, management systems and risk assessment. Excellent facilitator', 'Perfect for my requirements', 'Very good course - the trainer made it interesting'.

Health and Safety Awareness: 'A well suited course', 'Great refresher', 'Useful information and update', 'The whole course was very good', 'Very informative and useful', 'Very good', 'Met my needs', 'Very effective, well suited'.

Asbestos Awareness: 'Increased my knowledge and awareness', 'Well suited course, not boring and well delivered', 'Useful, very good', 'Very good', 'Very informative', 'Very good, useful reminder', 'Excellent, very professional and informative', 'Great, informative and helpful'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Excellent, really learnt alot', 'I found the course very enlightening and informative', 'Brilliant, very informative', 'This programme is by far the best I have attended', 'Very good, I am looking forward to using my new knowledge back in the workplace', 'Full of useful information', 'Excellent, I found out things that I did'nt know existed', 'Richard made it very interesting with a sense of humour', 'I have gained alot of useful information', 'Very good, enjoyed it alot', 'Richard is full of energy and passionate about health and safety', 'I feel more confident on health and safety'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very interesting course, fantastic delivery. Very interactive and enjoyable', 'Trainer was very knowledgeable and put the content over effectively', 'Overall excellent, can't see how it could be improved', 'Really engaging, a great trainer', 'Richard helped keep the subject interesting to ensure we had taken in the information', 'Enjoyed the course and delivery', 'Very interesting, even the law', 'A great trainer with a good sense of humour', 'Excellent and engaging delivery', 'Fantastic chap, engaging and knowledgeable', 'Excellent, clear and humourous'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Excellent, contained valuable information to assist me in my work', 'A good H&S course, well delivered, clear on given subjects', 'Very good and informative', 'Excellent - full stop', 'Very good and well structured', 'Full of relevnat, good quality information, useful and filled many gaps in my training', 'Very informative, a lot of food for thought', 'Very good', 'Excellent, good interact

IOSH Pallet Racking Inspector: 'The whole course was useful, I did'nt realise how much was involved', 'Good course', 'All good, feel confident to complete inspections', 'The amount of information will make my role easier to perform', 'Found the content useful', 'I feel alot better this time having done this course before with another provider', 'I'm excited about completing the inspections now'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Good course', 'Very informative and easy to learn. I really enjoyed it', 'Very funny and competent trainer', 'This opened my eyes, it will make me look at my job differently', 'Great course', 'Very informative, I will use the information gained on a daily basis'.

COSHH Awareness: 'Good refresher', 'Relevant and to the point', 'Trainer knew his stuff', 'Great, brought my knowledge upto date', 'Informative', 'Time well spent', 'Good clear information, answered our questions'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Great course, upto date information', 'Overall very informative, delivery was well presented in a professional manner', 'Really useful for my job role', 'Really helpful to me', 'Great course, well structured', 'Enjoyed the risk assessment elements', 'Great instructor, very approachable'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Comprehensive course, excellent course tutor', 'Enjoyed the variety of activities', 'Enjoyed the whole course', 'The course content was very useful, delievered in an easy to understand manner', 'Enjoyed the risk assessment elements', 'Great course', 'Enjoyed the whole course, great trainer'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Really enjoyed Richard's style and ancedotal information, been very enjoyable', 'Enjoyed the law session especially', 'Fantastic', 'Hope to do more courses with Rich', 'It was really interesting', 'Richard is a very good trainer, it was all very useful', 'Great trainer', 'Time well spent', 'Enjoyed the engagement and practical elements'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'I enjoyed the training alot', 'I have a better understanding of health and safety for my job role', 'Thank you', 'Great course, well delivered', 'A trainer with humour and the ability to deliver a great course', 'I feel happier in my role to return to work', 'Interesting and well delivered course'.

IOSH Pallet Racking Inspector: 'Really useful course, I feel confident to inspect our racking', 'Good course to enable the inspection of racking', 'This will help me back at work', 'Interesting course, well delivered', 'I will use this skill upon my return to work', 'Useful information to help me at work'.

IOSH Pallet Racking Inspector: 'I really enjoyed this course, Richard explained it really well', 'I enjoyed learning about the implications of racking damage and its effects', 'Good course', 'Time well spent', 'A day well spent, I have a much better understanding now', 'Great one day course'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Great days training', 'Very useful', 'Delivered the course very well', 'Good training session, well delivered', 'Our questions were answered in a practical manner', 'Good course', 'Well delivered, interesting stuff', 'Good refresher'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Learned alot about health and safety for my job role', 'Risk assessment exercise was really good', 'Great 3 days', 'Really enjoyed the law part and exercise', 'The trainer was very knowledgeable', 'Very good course', 'Really enjoyed the course'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Informative and enjoyable', 'Excellent trainer, kept the course interesting and answered our questions', 'Good refresher of the IOSH course', 'Excellent resfresher course', 'Interesting update, enjoyed the day', 'Good interaction and information provided', 'Well worth doing', 'Very useful and interesting course, well delivered'.

COSHH Awareness: 'Good training session, lots of information', 'Very useful course', 'Useful training session', 'Good course', 'Good interaction and answered our questions', 'Really useful for my job', 'Time well spent', 'Really useful for my job role'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The information was put across so it was easy to understand', 'It was all really useful', 'Fantastic', 'Good fun', 'Rich made the course enjoyable and easy to digest with his humour', 'Richard was fully engaging and made the course interesting', 'Enjoyable and informative', 'Really enjoyable course', 'Richard's subject knowledge and commitment was excellent', 'Very happy to use what I've learnt back at work'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'The tutor was excellent', 'Very enthusiastic and engaging trainer', 'The whole training course was effective and informative, it was perfect', 'Great course, very engaging', 'Really enjoyed the course', 'I learnt such alot', 'Great interaction, held my attention'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Very informative', 'Upto date information provided which was useful', 'Well delivered course, informative', 'Interesting day with good levels of engagement', 'Good course, informative stuff', 'A day well spent, learnt alot', 'Just right level of information'.

Manual handling: 'Very good course', 'Just right for my job role', 'Very good with upto date information', 'Very good course, all parts of it were useful', 'Good course which was well presented', 'Very relevant to my job role', 'Good all round manual handling course'

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All of it was well presented by Richard', 'Great intercation, held my attention throughout', 'Very well delivered', 'So much more than I was expecting, great course', 'Not boring like other H&S courses I have attended', 'This guy knows his stuff', 'All of the course was informative and can be applied to day-to-day activities', 'We all learnt alot', 'I found the course very useful', 'Enjoyed everything about the course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The course allowed us to put theory into practice', 'Effective trainer, very knowledgeable who made the course interesting and fun', 'The practical elements worked well for me', 'Great course', 'Enjoyed the learning experience', 'The trainer was knowledgeable and engaging', 'Rich was patient and engaging', 'Extremely engaging and enjoyable course', 'The trainer was enthusiastic and able to maintain everyones interest'.

IOSH Managing Safely: Really good course, competent trainer', 'Great interaction', 'Richard is a fantastic trainer and has made the course enjoyable', 'All the sections were very good and full of information, gave me a much better understanding', 'Richard has been really nice and friendly with a great sense of humour', 'A most interesting course', 'All of it was really useful', 'A very enjoyable course with a very experienced trainer', 'Every aspect equally informative and helpful', 'Very useful, well presented by a competent and knowledgeable trainer', 'Richard was extremely engaging and made the course easy to apply', 'Richard has a fantastic delivery style which engages the audience for a great learning experience'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'A very good course, which was delivered excellently', 'Really enjoyed Richards style of training, felt engaged throughout the course', 'Well presented and relevant', 'Very good trainer, very engaging', 'Richard was an amazing trainer, great technique', 'Richard was friendly with vast knowledge, was able to answer our questions in relation to our jobs', 'Great interaction and practical elements'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Improved my health and safety knowledge', 'Thank you Richard', 'Great interaction and group work', 'Great course, great instructor', 'Real life realted examples helped the learning experience', 'First class training event', 'Great delivery and interaction', 'Superb course'.

Manual handling: 'Good information, answered our questions', 'Excellent', 'Enjoyed it with interesting facts', 'Good course', 'Well delivered, good information', 'Great, easy to understand', 'Very good', 'Excellent', 'Trainer was eay to understand and to learn from, 'Overall, very good'.

NEBOSH National General Certificate: 'The information came across well', 'Helped me understand parts of my role which I was unaware of previously', 'Very good delivery by the tariner, excellent knowledge of the subject matter', 'I feel the course was well set out and I wouldnt change anything', 'The trainer used real life examples, very knowledgeable', 'Really good course', 'Richard's knowledge is first class, enjoyed the course very much'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'This training has improved my health and safety knowledge', 'Great interaction throughout the course', 'The trainer has inspired me to continue my interest with health and safety', 'Rich did a great job', 'Gained a very good knowledge of health and safety', 'The whole course was great, in particular risk assessment and the law', 'Very practical course', 'Great tutor, the course flowed well with great intercation and practical exercises'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Overall a well informed training sesison, well done Rich', 'Richard was very informative, a knowledgeable trainer who explained things effectively', 'Great course', 'Enjoyed the course'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Really delivered with enthusiasm and passion, made it fun and interactive', 'Really enjoyed the course overall', 'Really enjoyable', 'Richard was an excellent instructor delivering the material and kept the group engaged', 'Very useful course', 'Enjoyed the practical elements', 'Great course, perfect approach to delivery from Richard', 'Really relevant to my job role', 'Engaging and fun delivery style', 'Great course'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Great and enjoyable three days, learnt alot', 'Good group interaction, our questions were answered and made relevant to our industry', 'First class delivery', 'Put at ease straight away, enjoyed the course', 'Great and effective presentation', 'Enjoyed the practical elements', 'The law was fun'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Best health and safety course I've attended', 'Great delivery and interaction throughout', 'H&S made sense', 'Achieved my personal goals', 'Time was allocated for group discussion to good effect', 'Great delivery', 'Good interaction by the trainer with the group', 'Great course, well delivered'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'In no way could I see any room for improvement', 'Very well paced and controlled course', 'Interesting course, the trainer held my attention throughout', 'Overall a great course, fantastic tutor', 'An enjoyable and interesting course', 'Good explanations and real life applications', 'Excellent trainer', 'Very good and easy to understand'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Very informative and interesting', 'Very enjoyable', 'Very interesting three days', 'Very useful for my job role', 'Richard did a great job in explaining things', 'Totally enjoyed it, well presented', 'All the information was relevant and useful for my job', 'Excellent, really enjoyed it', 'Great course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Brilliant event', 'Rich provided a greater understanding of health and safety', 'Richard was a fantastic tutor as he made the course very interesting throughout', 'The facilitation of the course was excellent!', 'The entire content was great, very thought provoking', 'The interaction and real life examples were useful', 'Richard explained everything really well', 'Well organised and professional course', 'Great practical components'.

Managing and Supervising Safely: 'Very informative and provided a good understanding', 'Well presented and clear', 'Excellent', 'Provided an update and reminded me of my duties', 'Very informative', 'Clear and good information', 'Very clear and professional delivery', 'Excellent, very helpful', 'Great, made me more aware of what I need to do everyday', 'Very good and well presented'.

IOSH Safe Worker: 'Good days training, very useful', 'Good interaction and information', 'A trainer with a sense of humour, made us at ease', 'Well worth the day', 'Well delivered course, kept us on track', 'Good interaction and spread of information', 'Very good course'.

IOSH Working Safely: 'Very good, well set out course', 'Course was suitable and role beneficial', 'The trainer was excellent with the perfect amount of seriousness and humour', 'I have very much enjoyed this course and it has given me a much more positive perspective on H&S', 'The trainer maintained our interest, good training', 'Very good, pitched at the right level', 'Very good', 'Great presenter', 'Very valuable and interesting course'.

Fire Marshal: 'Very effective, very clear delivery', 'Excellent', 'All parts, very useful', 'Very good', 'Very effective training course for the role of a Fire Marshal', 'Very detailed', 'Very good', 'Very good, clear and informative'.

NEBOSH National General Certificate: 'Richard was excellent at putting across the course detail', 'Very useful, meet all my requirements', 'Perfect course, meet my own requirements', 'Good venue and facilities', 'Very thorough and knowledgeable course, good value for money', 'Richard is very good', 'The venue was excellent and ideal for the delegates needs', 'The course has been brilliant', 'Everything was relevant to my job role, excellently delivered course', 'Richard was fantastic, he delivered the material really effectively'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Great course, well delivered', 'Good content for my job role', 'Good course, well presented', 'Delivered with humour and style', 'Interactive course, answered our questions with relevant examples', 'Maintained the groups interest throughout', 'Time well spent'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Very informative and knowledgeable', 'Very engaging and informative training', 'Richard was spot on, knowledgeable, funny and kept us engaged', 'Very worthwhile, engaging and funny', 'Excellent trainer, well done', 'Training excellent, trainer engaging', 'Excellent and relaxed course', 'Richard is brilliant at delivery, I enjoyed the course very much', 'One word - Fantastic'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Richard's approach and presentation is well executed and delivered in an engaging way', 'Great course, well delivered', 'No improvements are required', 'The visual and practical elements helped me alot', 'Very interactive', 'The trainer who gave the course was fantastic', 'Great course, will help me in my job role', 'Great course, thank you'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I have gained a better understanding of health and safety', 'The instructors knowledge of the subject matter was excellent and therefore made the learning process more effective', 'No improvement needed', 'Great training course, much better than I anticipated', 'Excellent course, content and trainer', 'Great trainer, very enthusiastic and infectious', 'I found Richard to be a very effective trainer, he maintained our interest', 'I understand my responsibilities to maintain a safe workplace'. 

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All of it was very useful', 'Excellent presentation from Richard', 'The trainer was very engaging', 'Very informative and surprisingly entertaining', 'Very insightful, engaging trainer', 'Good course', 'Richard was excellent and had a real passion for QHSE, his knowledge and passion was engaging and made it easy to pick up and learn the information'.

IOSH Safe Worker: 'I found the whole course useful', 'Very good course', 'Very informative course', 'Very useful and beneficial', 'Nice paced course', 'Interesting information', 'Very useful day, time well spent'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent presentation and trainer knowledge', 'The course was delivered in a relaxed manner', 'Very good course', 'Plenty of group discussion and interaction', 'A good variety of teaching methods were used', 'Excellent', 'Thoroughly enjoyed it', 'Very informative, enjoyed the five days', 'I feel alot more confident after this course', 'Really enjoyed throughout, structure and learning was excellent'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The course was delivered in a professional manner and very informative. Also delivered with good humour', 'I've learnt alot of new aspects of health and safety', 'Very well presented', 'Excellent learning and made it fun', 'First rate course, want to do more', 'Great course that was excellently delivered by Richard', 'Good mix of information', 'Very enjoyable and interesting', 'Excellent teaching and sense of humour'. 

IOSH Safe Worker: 'Very suitable and relevant', 'Really enjoyed the course and content', 'Very good', 'Very helpful, 'Very suitable for my job role', 'Very good value course', 'Very informative, every explained really well', 'Well presented course', 'Good all round course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Richard delivered the course in an excellent manner', 'Very well presented, great interaction', 'Very informative and entertaining trainer', 'Very useful and in detail', 'The tutor made it very interesting', 'Excellent all round', 'I even found the law section interesting', 'Richard was excellent', 'Great communication skills, allowed time for interaction', 'Great course, well delivered'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All very good', 'Excellent', 'Excellent presenting skills', 'Excellent five days', 'First class, great interaction, the instructor made it fun and easy to learn', 'Good and useful examples were given', 'Great course delivery', 'First class - excellent instructor and course', 'Well worth my time', 'Great course, good interaction'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent all round course', 'The trainers stories were entertaining', 'An exciting five days', 'Lots of interaction and variation', 'Excellent course delivery, very interesting', 'Richard has a warm and friendly approach, first class delivery', 'The presentation style was the best part - just great', 'This will help me in the workplace', 'Great interaction', 'Great course, one of the best', 'Practical sessions were very good', 'Very professional delivery', 'Interesting and very interactive', 'The trainer was excellent and extremely knowledgeable on his subject'.

IOSH Working Safely: 'Excellent content and delivery', 'Really opened my eyes to different hazard types', 'I have learnt alot', 'I would recommend this training company to others', 'Great course, well delivered', 'The hazard board game worked really well for us, we were put at ease at once', 'Great trainer, answered our questions and let us engage and chat', 'Good course, probably what I needed', 'A good day, well spent'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Very effective training delivery', 'Great trainer, very knowledgeable', 'The whole course was useful, I have taken alot away', 'Very interesting and intense', '3 days well spent', 'Very interesting, good interaction', 'Great course, learnt alot', 'Very useful for my job role'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The content and delivery of the material was excellent', 'This course was taught very well', 'The whole course was really useful', 'Richard is an excellent tutor, very engaging and open minded with adaptability in dealing with specific individual needs', 'Excellent', 'Well delivered in a relaxed atmosphere', 'Very good and informative', 'I found the law module of great interest', 'I enjoyed all of it', 'The trainer made the course more enjoyable with his sense of humour and stories'.

Spill Response: 'Covered the essentails of what we needed to know', 'Interesting and engaging', 'Answered all our questions in an engaging emvironment', 'Effective delivery', Great delivery style', 'Relaxed and engaging training', 'Time well spent, hope we don't have a major spill', 'Great effective delivery'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Principles of COSHH: 'Well delivered, took his time to answer our questions', 'Refreshed my memory', 'Put us at ease straight away', 'Good training session', 'Essential for my job role, enjoyed the training', 'Interesting stuff', 'I feel better about COSHH', 'I would recommend this course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Helped develop my understanding of health and safety', 'Richard was excellent and presented the course well', 'Great delivery of training', 'Extremely well delivered with humour', 'Richard made the course enjoyable, took time to answer our questions and the course was well paced', 'I've learnt alot', 'Very informative and very helpful', 'I feel better equipped to do my job role', 'Great entertaining training delivery'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Aninteresting and engaging three days', 'Learnt alot', 'The whole course was great and opened my eyes to health and safety', 'Richard was very helpful and explained things well', 'Excellent course', 'Very well presented', 'Excellent course, would highly recommend all management levels attend', 'Great course, covered all our day to day issues'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent course, great interation', 'Nothing could be improved about this course and it's delivery', 'Being involved at all points made it easier to learn', 'The pace of learning was ideal, Richard made sure evrything was understood', 'Very educational', 'Well executed and a big thank you', 'Excellent', 'The trainer was really good and calming, I learnt alot', 'Great course, delivery and time well spent'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The level of information was excellent', 'What I learned has made me look at things differently, regarding health and safety', 'The course was ideal', 'Good course, excellent content, good instructor - no improvement needed', 'The instructor was very informative and approachable', 'Very well presented', 'I did'nt realise health and safety was so interesting', 'The course has helped me alot', 'The trainer put me at ease and was very helpful', 'Very educational', 'Very entertaining and informative'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Everything was well presented and delivered', 'It was all enjoyable, the presentation was to a very high standard, 'Excellent', 'I enjoyed the relaxed altmoshere provided by the trainer', 'A well delivered course', 'Great course', 'Everything was perfect', 'Enjoyed the content and delivery style', 'Well delivered, one of the best trainers I have had'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in the Principles of Risk Assessment: 'Excellent course', the trainer had excellent knowledge', 'A suitable and valuable course', 'very effective', 'Fulfilled all our requirements'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very effective, clear and informative', 'Really interesting', 'Very good', 'The time went quickly, I enjoyed it to my surprise', 'Excellent - clear, concise, open and uses his experiences well', 'Thank you for an excellent and enjoyable course', 'The programme opened my eyes for more aspects of health and safety', 'Excellent and engaging', 'Taught at a good pace and made sure everyone understood before moving on'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent all round course', 'First class delivery', 'Very interesting and an eye opener', 'Enjoyed being brought upto date, very interesting and informative', 'Richard presented the course in a very passionate and interesting way, keeps you focussed and alert', 'NEBOSH next for me', 'Great five days', 'Great course, well delivered, good participation levels', 'Enjoyed it - awesome'

CIEH Level 3 Award Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Learnt more than I expected', 'The trainer made me feel comfortable', 'Very interesting event', 'Very good', 'Very enjoyable and interesting', 'Richard is a really good trainer, he explained everything really well', 'Very good', 'Engaging style'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Very good course, interested to learn on legislative updates', 'Excellent, well thought out and presented', 'Great refresher', 'Extremely useful especially with legislative changes', 'Excellent, very well presented', 'Excellent and very effective course', 'Very professionally delivered', 'Enjoyed the course and bringing my knowledge upto date', 'Very informative', 'Richard is very well informed and delivered the message with a professional style'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent course, well delivered and communicated', 'Time for discussion with sensible answers provided', 'Enjoyed the hands-on approach', 'Great course', 'Enthusiastic trainer', 'Enjoyed all five days'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'The whole course was relevant to my role', 'Very suitable', 'Very good', 'First rate', 'Well delivered', 'It was clear, well delivered material', 'I gained new information', 'The course was interesting from start to finish', 'Very good and informative', 'Very interesting and filled some knowledge gaps''

Manual handling: 'Very good', 'Excellent refresher', 'Clear and easy to understand', 'I learned something new today', 'Very good', 'Good communication skills and energetic', 'Very interesting'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Very informative and interesting', 'Good refresher course', 'Good all round course', 'Very informative', 'The entire course was extremely useful', 'Great trainer, easy to ask questions to', 'Fantastic', 'Suitable for my job role', 'Good trainer, made it interesting'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Richard. I fely very nervous at the beginning and left feeling confident', 'Very enjoyable course', 'Excellent delivery', 'The trainer kept it interesting, I enjoyed the practical approach', 'Great trainer, delivered the content really well', 'Things were explained really well', 'Great interaction, information and presentation style', 'Excellent - no improvement needed', 'Excellent tutor, informative, confident and competent'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent, friendly and relaxed course', 'I would definitely recommend this to others', 'Presented extremely well', 'Richard's delivery was excellent', 'This was not too theoretical, it will be easy to put what I've learnt into practice', 'Richard made the course understandable and enjoyable', 'Two words - just excellent'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Great teaching and approach', 'Very good course, learnt alot', 'Well presented course', 'Brilliant, made an unexciting topic easier to cope with', 'High valuable', 'Excellent, engaging, approachable, obviously knows his stuff', 'Money and time well spent', 'Patient and funny', 'Very good and suitable'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The instructors knowledge was first class', 'Very effective delivery and style', 'Enjoyed all the five days', 'Richard made it interesting and interactive', 'Overall, very enjoyable', 'Excellent presentation skills', 'Excellent course, delivered fantastically', 'The trainer was helpful with a good sense of humour', 'Everything was clearly explained'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Brilliant trainer, made it enjoyable', 'Excellent and entertaining', 'Very good, he explained everything clearly', 'Brilliant, interesting and interactive', 'The trainer was amazing', 'Really enjoyed the course, the trainer was well spoken and explained everything', 'Very good and knowledgeable trainer', 'The course was enjoyable and will help my career', 'Training was excellent, informative and worth 3 days away from the workplace', 'I really enjoyed it!', 'Clear communication, good interaction'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'A very good course which was well presented', 'Excellent presentation skills', 'The trainer explained things very well and in detail', 'Good interaction and exercises', 'The subject was made interesting', 'Good relaxed atmosphere', 'Interesting and enjoyable course', 'I will be sending more Managers on this course'.

Manual handling: 'Good training session', 'Very good', 'Informative and to the point', 'Very suitable and useful', 'Very good informative training', 'Updated my knowledge', 'Good interactive training', 'Very useful training for my job role', 'Very good clear advice', 'Very good training, effective trainer'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment: 'Very good engaging session', 'Excellent training and practical value', 'Very funny trainer', 'Engaging and effective delivery', 'Good days training', 'Good delivery style, kept us engaged and interested', 'Excellent training course'.

IOSH Pallet Racking Inspector: 'The whole course was useful, I did'nt realise how much was involved', 'Good course', 'All good, feel confident to complete inspections', 'The amount of information will make my role easier to perform', 'Found the content useful', 'I feel alot better this time having done this course before with another provider', 'I'm excited about completing the inspections now'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Good course', 'Very informative and easy to learn. I really enjoyed it', 'Very funny and competent trainer', 'This opened my eyes, it will make me look at my job differently', 'Great course', 'Very informative, I will use the information gained on a daily basis'.

COSHH Awareness: 'Good refresher', 'Relevant and to the point', 'Trainer knew his stuff', 'Great, brought my knowledge upto date', 'Informative', 'Time well spent', 'Good clear information, answered our questions'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Great course, upto date information', 'Overall very informative, delivery was well presented in a professional manner', 'Really useful for my job role', 'Really helpful to me', 'Great course, well structured', 'Enjoyed the risk assessment elements', 'Great instructor, very approachable'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Comprehensive course, excellent course tutor', 'Enjoyed the variety of activities', 'Enjoyed the whole course', 'The course content was very useful, delievered in an easy to understand manner', 'Enjoyed the risk assessment elements', 'Great course', 'Enjoyed the whole course, great trainer'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Really enjoyed Richard's style and ancedotal information, been very enjoyable', 'Enjoyed the law session especially', 'Fantastic', 'Hope to do more courses with Rich', 'It was really interesting', 'Richard is a very good trainer, it was all very useful', 'Great trainer', 'Time well spent', 'Enjoyed the engagement and practical elements'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'I enjoyed the training alot', 'I have a better understanding of health and safety for my job role', 'Thank you', 'Great course, well delivered', 'A trainer with humour and the ability to deliver a great course', 'I feel happier in my role to return to work', 'Interesting and well delivered course'.

IOSH Pallet Racking Inspector: 'Really useful course, I feel confident to inspect our racking', 'Good course to enable the inspection of racking', 'This will help me back at work', 'Interesting course, well delivered', 'I will use this skill upon my return to work', 'Useful information to help me at work'.

IOSH Pallet Racking Inspector: 'I really enjoyed this course, Richard explained it really well', 'I enjoyed learning about the implications of racking damage and its effects', 'Good course', 'Time well spent', 'A day well spent, I have a much better understanding now', 'Great one day course'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Great days training', 'Very useful', 'Delivered the course very well', 'Good training session, well delivered', 'Our questions were answered in a practical manner', 'Good course', 'Well delivered, interesting stuff', 'Good refresher'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Learned alot about health and safety for my job role', 'Risk assessment exercise was really good', 'Great 3 days', 'Really enjoyed the law part and exercise', 'The trainer was very knowledgeable', 'Very good course', 'Really enjoyed the course'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Informative and enjoyable', 'Excellent trainer, kept the course interesting and answered our questions', 'Good refresher of the IOSH course', 'Excellent resfresher course', 'Interesting update, enjoyed the day', 'Good interaction and information provided', 'Well worth doing', 'Very useful and interesting course, well delivered'.

COSHH Awareness: 'Good training session, lots of information', 'Very useful course', 'Useful training session', 'Good course', 'Good interaction and answered our questions', 'Really useful for my job', 'Time well spent', 'Really useful for my job role'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The information was put across so it was easy to understand', 'It was all really useful', 'Fantastic', 'Good fun', 'Rich made the course enjoyable and easy to digest with his humour', 'Richard was fully engaging and made the course interesting', 'Enjoyable and informative', 'Really enjoyable course', 'Richard's subject knowledge and commitment was excellent', 'Very happy to use what I've learnt back at work'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'The tutor was excellent', 'Very enthusiastic and engaging trainer', 'The whole training course was effective and informative, it was perfect', 'Great course, very engaging', 'Really enjoyed the course', 'I learnt such alot', 'Great interaction, held my attention'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Very informative', 'Upto date information provided which was useful', 'Well delivered course, informative', 'Interesting day with good levels of engagement', 'Good course, informative stuff', 'A day well spent, learnt alot', 'Just right level of information'.

Manual handling: 'Very good course', 'Just right for my job role', 'Very good with upto date information', 'Very good course, all parts of it were useful', 'Good course which was well presented', 'Very relevant to my job role', 'Good all round manual handling course'

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All of it was well presented by Richard', 'Great intercation, held my attention throughout', 'Very well delivered', 'So much more than I was expecting, great course', 'Not boring like other H&S courses I have attended', 'This guy knows his stuff', 'All of the course was informative and can be applied to day-to-day activities', 'We all learnt alot', 'I found the course very useful', 'Enjoyed everything about the course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The course allowed us to put theory into practice', 'Effective trainer, very knowledgeable who made the course interesting and fun', 'The practical elements worked well for me', 'Great course', 'Enjoyed the learning experience', 'The trainer was knowledgeable and engaging', 'Rich was patient and engaging', 'Extremely engaging and enjoyable course', 'The trainer was enthusiastic and able to maintain everyones interest'.

IOSH Managing Safely: Really good course, competent trainer', 'Great interaction', 'Richard is a fantastic trainer and has made the course enjoyable', 'All the sections were very good and full of information, gave me a much better understanding', 'Richard has been really nice and friendly with a great sense of humour', 'A most interesting course', 'All of it was really useful', 'A very enjoyable course with a very experienced trainer', 'Every aspect equally informative and helpful', 'Very useful, well presented by a competent and knowledgeable trainer', 'Richard was extremely engaging and made the course easy to apply', 'Richard has a fantastic delivery style which engages the audience for a great learning experience'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'A very good course, which was delivered excellently', 'Really enjoyed Richards style of training, felt engaged throughout the course', 'Well presented and relevant', 'Very good trainer, very engaging', 'Richard was an amazing trainer, great technique', 'Richard was friendly with vast knowledge, was able to answer our questions in relation to our jobs', 'Great interaction and practical elements'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Improved my health and safety knowledge', 'Thank you Richard', 'Great interaction and group work', 'Great course, great instructor', 'Real life realted examples helped the learning experience', 'First class training event', 'Great delivery and interaction', 'Superb course'.

Manual handling: 'Good information, answered our questions', 'Excellent', 'Enjoyed it with interesting facts', 'Good course', 'Well delivered, good information', 'Great, easy to understand', 'Very good', 'Excellent', 'Trainer was eay to understand and to learn from, 'Overall, very good'.

NEBOSH National General Certificate: 'The information came across well', 'Helped me understand parts of my role which I was unaware of previously', 'Very good delivery by the tariner, excellent knowledge of the subject matter', 'I feel the course was well set out and I wouldnt change anything', 'The trainer used real life examples, very knowledgeable', 'Really good course', 'Richard's knowledge is first class, enjoyed the course very much'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'This training has improved my health and safety knowledge', 'Great interaction throughout the course', 'The trainer has inspired me to continue my interest with health and safety', 'Rich did a great job', 'Gained a very good knowledge of health and safety', 'The whole course was great, in particular risk assessment and the law', 'Very practical course', 'Great tutor, the course flowed well with great intercation and practical exercises'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Overall a well informed training sesison, well done Rich', 'Richard was very informative, a knowledgeable trainer who explained things effectively', 'Great course', 'Enjoyed the course'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Really delivered with enthusiasm and passion, made it fun and interactive', 'Really enjoyed the course overall', 'Really enjoyable', 'Richard was an excellent instructor delivering the material and kept the group engaged', 'Very useful course', 'Enjoyed the practical elements', 'Great course, perfect approach to delivery from Richard', 'Really relevant to my job role', 'Engaging and fun delivery style', 'Great course'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Great and enjoyable three days, learnt alot', 'Good group interaction, our questions were answered and made relevant to our industry', 'First class delivery', 'Put at ease straight away, enjoyed the course', 'Great and effective presentation', 'Enjoyed the practical elements', 'The law was fun'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Best health and safety course I've attended', 'Great delivery and interaction throughout', 'H&S made sense', 'Achieved my personal goals', 'Time was allocated for group discussion to good effect', 'Great delivery', 'Good interaction by the trainer with the group', 'Great course, well delivered'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'In no way could I see any room for improvement', 'Very well paced and controlled course', 'Interesting course, the trainer held my attention throughout', 'Overall a great course, fantastic tutor', 'An enjoyable and interesting course', 'Good explanations and real life applications', 'Excellent trainer', 'Very good and easy to understand'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Very informative and interesting', 'Very enjoyable', 'Very interesting three days', 'Very useful for my job role', 'Richard did a great job in explaining things', 'Totally enjoyed it, well presented', 'All the information was relevant and useful for my job', 'Excellent, really enjoyed it', 'Great course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Brilliant event', 'Rich provided a greater understanding of health and safety', 'Richard was a fantastic tutor as he made the course very interesting throughout', 'The facilitation of the course was excellent!', 'The entire content was great, very thought provoking', 'The interaction and real life examples were useful', 'Richard explained everything really well', 'Well organised and professional course', 'Great practical components'.

Managing and Supervising Safely: 'Very informative and provided a good understanding', 'Well presented and clear', 'Excellent', 'Provided an update and reminded me of my duties', 'Very informative', 'Clear and good information', 'Very clear and professional delivery', 'Excellent, very helpful', 'Great, made me more aware of what I need to do everyday', 'Very good and well presented'.

IOSH Safe Worker: 'Good days training, very useful', 'Good interaction and information', 'A trainer with a sense of humour, made us at ease', 'Well worth the day', 'Well delivered course, kept us on track', 'Good interaction and spread of information', 'Very good course'.

IOSH Working Safely: 'Very good, well set out course', 'Course was suitable and role beneficial', 'The trainer was excellent with the perfect amount of seriousness and humour', 'I have very much enjoyed this course and it has given me a much more positive perspective on H&S', 'The trainer maintained our interest, good training', 'Very good, pitched at the right level', 'Very good', 'Great presenter', 'Very valuable and interesting course'.

Fire Marshal: 'Very effective, very clear delivery', 'Excellent', 'All parts, very useful', 'Very good', 'Very effective training course for the role of a Fire Marshal', 'Very detailed', 'Very good', 'Very good, clear and informative'.

NEBOSH National General Certificate: 'Richard was excellent at putting across the course detail', 'Very useful, meet all my requirements', 'Perfect course, meet my own requirements', 'Good venue and facilities', 'Very thorough and knowledgeable course, good value for money', 'Richard is very good', 'The venue was excellent and ideal for the delegates needs', 'The course has been brilliant', 'Everything was relevant to my job role, excellently delivered course', 'Richard was fantastic, he delivered the material really effectively'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Great course, well delivered', 'Good content for my job role', 'Good course, well presented', 'Delivered with humour and style', 'Interactive course, answered our questions with relevant examples', 'Maintained the groups interest throughout', 'Time well spent'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Very informative and knowledgeable', 'Very engaging and informative training', 'Richard was spot on, knowledgeable, funny and kept us engaged', 'Very worthwhile, engaging and funny', 'Excellent trainer, well done', 'Training excellent, trainer engaging', 'Excellent and relaxed course', 'Richard is brilliant at delivery, I enjoyed the course very much', 'One word - Fantastic'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Richard's approach and presentation is well executed and delivered in an engaging way', 'Great course, well delivered', 'No improvements are required', 'The visual and practical elements helped me alot', 'Very interactive', 'The trainer who gave the course was fantastic', 'Great course, will help me in my job role', 'Great course, thank you'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I have gained a better understanding of health and safety', 'The instructors knowledge of the subject matter was excellent and therefore made the learning process more effective', 'No improvement needed', 'Great training course, much better than I anticipated', 'Excellent course, content and trainer', 'Great trainer, very enthusiastic and infectious', 'I found Richard to be a very effective trainer, he maintained our interest', 'I understand my responsibilities to maintain a safe workplace'. 

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All of it was very useful', 'Excellent presentation from Richard', 'The trainer was very engaging', 'Very informative and surprisingly entertaining', 'Very insightful, engaging trainer', 'Good course', 'Richard was excellent and had a real passion for QHSE, his knowledge and passion was engaging and made it easy to pick up and learn the information'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'I found the whole course useful', 'Very good course', 'Very informative course', 'Very useful and beneficial', 'Nice paced course', 'Interesting information', 'Very useful day, time well spent'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent presentation and trainer knowledge', 'The course was delivered in a relaxed manner', 'Very good course', 'Plenty of group discussion and interaction', 'A good variety of teaching methods were used', 'Excellent', 'Thoroughly enjoyed it', 'Very informative, enjoyed the five days', 'I feel alot more confident after this course', 'Really enjoyed throughout, structure and learning was excellent'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The course was delivered in a professional manner and very informative. Also delivered with good humour', 'I've learnt alot of new aspects of health and safety', 'Very well presented', 'Excellent learning and made it fun', 'First rate course, want to do more', 'Great course that was excellently delivered by Richard', 'Good mix of information', 'Very enjoyable and interesting', 'Excellent teaching and sense of humour'. 

IOSH Safe Worker: 'Very suitable and relevant', 'Really enjoyed the course and content', 'Very good', 'Very helpful, 'Very suitable for my job role', 'Very good value course', 'Very informative, every explained really well', 'Well presented course', 'Good all round course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Richard delivered the course in an excellent manner', 'Very well presented, great interaction', 'Very informative and entertaining trainer', 'Very useful and in detail', 'The tutor made it very interesting', 'Excellent all round', 'I even found the law section interesting', 'Richard was excellent', 'Great communication skills, allowed time for interaction', 'Great course, well delivered'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All very good', 'Excellent', 'Excellent presenting skills', 'Excellent five days', 'First class, great interaction, the instructor made it fun and easy to learn', 'Good and useful examples were given', 'Great course delivery', 'First class - excellent instructor and course', 'Well worth my time', 'Great course, good interaction'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent all round course', 'The trainers stories were entertaining', 'An exciting five days', 'Lots of interaction and variation', 'Excellent course delivery, very interesting', 'Richard has a warm and friendly approach, first class delivery', 'The presentation style was the best part - just great', 'This will help me in the workplace', 'Great interaction', 'Great course, one of the best', 'Practical sessions were very good', 'Very professional delivery', 'Interesting and very interactive', 'The trainer was excellent and extremely knowledgeable on his subject'.

IOSH Working Safely: 'Excellent content and delivery', 'Really opened my eyes to different hazard types', 'I have learnt alot', 'I would recommend this training company to others', 'Great course, well delivered', 'The hazard board game worked really well for us, we were put at ease at once', 'Great trainer, answered our questions and let us engage and chat', 'Good course, probably what I needed', 'A good day, well spent'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Very effective training delivery', 'Great trainer, very knowledgeable', 'The whole course was useful, I have taken alot away', 'Very interesting and intense', '3 days well spent', 'Very interesting, good interaction', 'Great course, learnt alot', 'Very useful for my job role'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The content and delivery of the material was excellent', 'This course was taught very well', 'The whole course was really useful', 'Richard is an excellent tutor, very engaging and open minded with adaptability in dealing with specific individual needs', 'Excellent', 'Well delivered in a relaxed atmosphere', 'Very good and informative', 'I found the law module of great interest', 'I enjoyed all of it', 'The trainer made the course more enjoyable with his sense of humour and stories'.

Spill Response: 'Covered the essentails of what we needed to know', 'Interesting and engaging', 'Answered all our questions in an engaging emvironment', 'Effective delivery', Great delivery style', 'Relaxed and engaging training', 'Time well spent, hope we don't have a major spill', 'Great effective delivery'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Principles of COSHH: 'Well delivered, took his time to answer our questions', 'Refreshed my memory', 'Put us at ease straight away', 'Good training session', 'Essential for my job role, enjoyed the training', 'Interesting stuff', 'I feel better about COSHH', 'I would recommend this course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Helped develop my understanding of health and safety', 'Richard was excellent and presented the course well', 'Great delivery of training', 'Extremely well delivered with humour', 'Richard made the course enjoyable, took time to answer our questions and the course was well paced', 'I've learnt alot', 'Very informative and very helpful', 'I feel better equipped to do my job role', 'Great entertaining training delivery'.

IOSH Safe Supervising in Logistics: 'Aninteresting and engaging three days', 'Learnt alot', 'The whole course was great and opened my eyes to health and safety', 'Richard was very helpful and explained things well', 'Excellent course', 'Very well presented', 'Excellent course, would highly recommend all management levels attend', 'Great course, covered all our day to day issues'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent course, great interation', 'Nothing could be improved about this course and it's delivery', 'Being involved at all points made it easier to learn', 'The pace of learning was ideal, Richard made sure evrything was understood', 'Very educational', 'Well executed and a big thank you', 'Excellent', 'The trainer was really good and calming, I learnt alot', 'Great course, delivery and time well spent'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The level of information was excellent', 'What I learned has made me look at things differently, regarding health and safety', 'The course was ideal', 'Good course, excellent content, good instructor - no improvement needed', 'The instructor was very informative and approachable', 'Very well presented', 'I did'nt realise health and safety was so interesting', 'The course has helped me alot', 'The trainer put me at ease and was very helpful', 'Very educational', 'Very entertaining and informative'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Everything was well presented and delivered', 'It was all enjoyable, the presentation was to a very high standard, 'Excellent', 'I enjoyed the relaxed altmoshere provided by the trainer', 'A well delivered course', 'Great course', 'Everything was perfect', 'Enjoyed the content and delivery style', 'Well delivered, one of the best trainers I have had'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in the Principles of Risk Assessment: 'Excellent course', the trainer had excellent knowledge', 'A suitable and valuable course', 'very effective', 'Fulfilled all our requirements'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very effective, clear and informative', 'Really interesting', 'Very good', 'The time went quickly, I enjoyed it to my surprise', 'Excellent - clear, concise, open and uses his experiences well', 'Thank you for an excellent and enjoyable course', 'The programme opened my eyes for more aspects of health and safety', 'Excellent and engaging', 'Taught at a good pace and made sure everyone understood before moving on'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent all round course', 'First class delivery', 'Very interesting and an eye opener', 'Enjoyed being brought upto date, very interesting and informative', 'Richard presented the course in a very passionate and interesting way, keeps you focussed and alert', 'NEBOSH next for me', 'Great five days', 'Great course, well delivered, good participation levels', 'Enjoyed it - awesome'

CIEH Level 3 Award Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Learnt more than I expected', 'The trainer made me feel comfortable', 'Very interesting event', 'Very good', 'Very enjoyable and interesting', 'Richard is a really good trainer, he explained everything really well', 'Very good', 'Engaging style'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Very good course, interested to learn on legislative updates', 'Excellent, well thought out and presented', 'Great refresher', 'Extremely useful especially with legislative changes', 'Excellent, very well presented', 'Excellent and very effective course', 'Very professionally delivered', 'Enjoyed the course and bringing my knowledge upto date', 'Very informative', 'Richard is very well informed and delivered the message with a professional style'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent course, well delivered and communicated', 'Time for discussion with sensible answers provided', 'Enjoyed the hands-on approach', 'Great course', 'Enthusiastic trainer', 'Enjoyed all five days'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'The whole course was relevant to my role', 'Very suitable', 'Very good', 'First rate', 'Well delivered', 'It was clear, well delivered material', 'I gained new information', 'The course was interesting from start to finish', 'Very good and informative', 'Very interesting and filled some knowledge gaps''

Manual handling: 'Very good', 'Excellent refresher', 'Clear and easy to understand', 'I learned something new today', 'Very good', 'Good communication skills and energetic', 'Very interesting'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Very informative and interesting', 'Good refresher course', 'Good all round course', 'Very informative', 'The entire course was extremely useful', 'Great trainer, easy to ask questions to', 'Fantastic', 'Suitable for my job role', 'Good trainer, made it interesting'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Richard. I fely very nervous at the beginning and left feeling confident', 'Very enjoyable course', 'Excellent delivery', 'The trainer kept it interesting, I enjoyed the practical approach', 'Great trainer, delivered the content really well', 'Things were explained really well', 'Great interaction, information and presentation style', 'Excellent - no improvement needed', 'Excellent tutor, informative, confident and competent'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent, friendly and relaxed course', 'I would definitely recommend this to others', 'Presented extremely well', 'Richard's delivery was excellent', 'This was not too theoretical, it will be easy to put what I've learnt into practice', 'Richard made the course understandable and enjoyable', 'Two words - just excellent'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Great teaching and approach', 'Very good course, learnt alot', 'Well presented course', 'Brilliant, made an unexciting topic easier to cope with', 'High valuable', 'Excellent, engaging, approachable, obviously knows his stuff', 'Money and time well spent', 'Patient and funny', 'Very good and suitable'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The instructors knowledge was first class', 'Very effective delivery and style', 'Enjoyed all the five days', 'Richard made it interesting and interactive', 'Overall, very enjoyable', 'Excellent presentation skills', 'Excellent course, delivered fantastically', 'The trainer was helpful with a good sense of humour', 'Everything was clearly explained'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Brilliant trainer, made it enjoyable', 'Excellent and entertaining', 'Very good, he explained everything clearly', 'Brilliant, interesting and interactive', 'The trainer was amazing', 'Really enjoyed the course, the trainer was well spoken and explained everything', 'Very good and knowledgeable trainer', 'The course was enjoyable and will help my career', 'Training was excellent, informative and worth 3 days away from the workplace', 'I really enjoyed it!', 'Clear communication, good interaction'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'A very good course which was well presented', 'Excellent presentation skills', 'The trainer explained things very well and in detail', 'Good interaction and exercises', 'The subject was made interesting', 'Good relaxed atmosphere', 'Interesting and enjoyable course', 'I will be sending more Managers on this course'.

Manual handling: 'Good training session', 'Very good', 'Informative and to the point', 'Very suitable and useful', 'Very good informative training', 'Updated my knowledge', 'Good interactive training', 'Very useful training for my job role', 'Very good clear advice', 'Very good training, effective trainer'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment: 'Very good engaging session', 'Excellent training and practical value', 'Very funny trainer', 'Engaging and effective delivery', 'Good days training', 'Good delivery style, kept us engaged and interested', 'Excellent training course'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good delivery', 'Very suitable and of value', 'Very good', 'Very good, informative and clear', 'Excellent days training', 'Very engaging delivery style', 'Excellent, enjoyed the hands on approach', 'Great training course', Thanks, really enjoyed the day'

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very clear, very humorous', 'Excellent course, brilliant trainer, very interesting and enjoyable', 'Excellent, effective communicator', 'Excellent subject knowledge', 'Very effective and enjoyable course', 'Effectively communicated', 'Very informative', 'Clear presentation style', 'Engaging, funny, presented clearly and professional', 'Outstanding and inspired training'

Manual handling: 'Enjoyed the session', 'Good interaction and answered our questions', 'Great training course', 'Really engaging trainer', 'Excellent', 'Very clear delivery style', 'Good relevant information', 'Related to our workplace, good mix of interaction'

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Informative and enjoyable course', 'It was fun', 'Richard was a very nice guy and delivered the course in a very good style', 'Brilliant, really enjoyed the training. Richard was excellent', 'Very clear and knowledgeable trainer', 'The trainer made it fun and enjoyable, it was a pleasure to be on this course', 'A passionate, engaging and enthusiastic trainer'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Principles of COSHH: 'Very good and informative', 'Insighful training session', 'Suitable, valuable information', 'I found it very useful', 'Suitable and valuable', 'Effective, used humour to lighten tone and made it interesting', 'Very effective delivery', 'Very valuable for my job role', 'I have gained some knowledge on things I didn't know', 'Competent delivery', 'Very good, the trainer knew his stuff', 'Overall, very good'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Great refresher course, which helped me re-focus on key H&S elements', 'Informative and relevant information', 'Very suitable days training', 'Trainer was excellent', 'Very good, clear and easy to follow material', 'All of it was relevant to my job role', 'Good and clear H&S communication', 'Great IOSH refresher course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The way it was delivered made the days enjoyable', 'Really enjoyed it', 'Excellent training and trainer', 'Great course', 'The trainer was very knowledgeable and put everyone at ease. great sense of humour broke the apprehension', 'Just 1st class', 'All aspects of the course were new to me, so it was all useful', 'Great interaction, the trainer was very helpful', 'Everything was explained well', 'Richard was a very good trainer', 'I really enjoyed the whole experience', 'Richard made it enjoyable'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'I enjoyed it, the trainer was great, he explained everything', 'The greatest trainer I have ever met', 'It gave me a great insight and will help me in my job role', 'Excellent trainer with great knowledge', 'Excellent course and will be extremely useful in my job role', 'I was surprised to enjoy a three day health and safety course - well done', 'Very good delivery style', 'The trainer made the course enjoyable', 'I found it very interesting and it increased my H&S knowledge'. 

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'The course was well explained and I will be able to transfer the knowledge learnt to the wokplace', 'Very good and interesting', 'Just fab', 'Excellent trainer', 'Rich made the course very interesting and kept our attention', 'Excellent, very valuable', 'Very enjoyable and extremely informative', 'I feel this was a fantastic course', 'I found the course very valauble and excellently delivered'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Great course, would 100% recommend the provider', 'All really good', 'Excellent five days', 'Very interesting, well delivered', 'I have gained a great deal of knowledge and look forward to putting it into practice', 'I would definitely recommend Safety Improvements, thanks to Richard', 'Richards dry humour helps make the course enjoyable', 'Overall, well worth attending'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Excellent three days', 'Richard was an excellent trainer keeping us all involved', 'The trainer was very good and easy to understand', 'Excellent trainer, really knowledgeable', 'Very good and informative', 'I found the course excellent, informative and unbelievably fun', 'The course was well suited to my managerial role', 'Excellent course, a must!', 'Very effective delivery', 'Very good, I actually enjoyed it', 'I was interested all the way through', 'An health and safety course where we had a laugh', 'Excellent, I really enjoyed it', 'Very pleasant guy, he knew his stuff'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Great course, relaxed atmosphere', 'Just right', 'Very good', 'Excellent days training', 'Very well presented course, suited my needs', 'Excellent, enjoyed the practical element', 'Very suitable for my job role', 'Very good and informative', 'Open discussions with time for questions, highly recommend', 'Very suitable and of great value'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Facilitator - great knowledge and personality', 'The trainer made the subject engaging and interesting', 'Richard was very informative and made the course interesting', 'Trainers enthusiastic style made the subject entertaining', 'Fantastic all round', 'Richard explained things in detail, easy to understand', 'Informative, relaxed and friendly atmosphere', 'The instructors personality and teaching made the course enjoyable', 'Great course'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'I've learnt alot during this course', 'Very enjoyable', 'Excellent trainer, very informative', 'Very effective, informative and good explanations', 'One word - Brilliant', 'This was very useful, enjoyable and relevant to my job role', 'I enjoyed all of this course', 'The trainer explained things really well', 'The trainer had a positive impact on my learning style', 'I've learnt something new', 'Couldn't have asked for a better trainer'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'A clear well presented course', 'Course content very suitable', 'Good all round course', 'Trainer was very informative and helpful throughout the day', 'Good knowledge gained', 'Informative information well presented', 'Helpful and informative', 'It has provided me with knowledge and understanding to enable me to do my job more efficiently and effectively', 'Very good enjoyable day'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very suitable and informative', 'Competent delivery', 'More interesting and useful than I expected; relevant and suitable', 'The trainer was spot-on - thanks', 'It has made me realise the importance of H&S', 'His personality made the course', 'The trainer and the resources were very good', 'Very good and relevant examples', 'Excellent trainer, made the subject very enjoyable', 'Very valuable for me, very interesting training'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All of this was useful, great course', 'The whole course was better than I expected, it remained interesting throughout', 'Good interaction across all 8 modules', 'Great course, well delivered', 'Richard made the course interesting and answered our questions', 'I enjoyed the team work and quizzes', 'Very enjoyable course', 'I would like to personally thank Richard for delivering the course in a great structured manner', 'Very informative', 'A very good experience'.

Fire Marshal: 'Good, informative', 'Very good, everything covered', 'Very good, answered our questions', 'Excellent trainer', 'Very good, keeps me upto date', 'Very suitable, good examples, effective delivery'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very comprehensive and detailed', 'Very good, very helpful', 'Well presented, just right', 'A good course, well set out', 'Excellent day', 'Suitable and well delivered training', 'Very clear and concise', 'Friendly and well presented', 'Excellent, well presented'.

CDM Regulations: 'Very relevant to my job role', 'Answered all our questions', 'Good course, well delivered', 'Good upadte from previous training', 'All very good', 'I don't this this could be improved', 'Good session', 'Helped my understanding of the Regulations', 'Good course, relaxed atmosphere'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Great, plenty of time to discuss issues', 'Glad I attended, very effective delivery', 'Very valuable course', 'Execellent trainer, great skill', 'Enjoyed the three days', 'Good course, enjoyable and inetractive', 'Enjoyed the risk assessment elements, I feel more confident about H&S', 'Great course'.

Safe sytem of work: 'Very productive, effective training', 'knowledgeable and effective', 'Very knowledgeable', 'Very helpful, excellent content', 'Good delivery, friendly and approachable', 'Superb, clearly knows his stuff', 'Very good all round', 'Found it exceptionally well presented, pitched right and enjoyable', Brilliant', 'Very interesting thoroughout'.

COSHH Risk Assessment: 'Knowledgeable, will help in my job role', 'Suitable for me as a manager', 'Very informative', 'Very good, very informative, glad I did it, very useful', 'Very good, the day went surprisingly fast', 'Very useful for my job', 'Very interesting course', 'Well presented, informative and affirming'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Great instructor, so informative, excellent delivery', 'Fantastic, great knowledge', 'Kept the interest of the group for the whole 3 days', 'One word - Brilliant', 'Excellent trainer, great delivery', 'Very helpful and understanding trainer', 'Made the learning easy and enjoyable', 'Helped me learn alot about health and safety', 'Great value, will help me alot'.

Machinery Safety Awareness: 'Clearly explained and delivered', 'Good training course', 'Good use of my time, felt the benefit', 'Good course, well delivered', 'Refreshed my memory', 'Well delivered, answered questions clearly relevant to my job role', 'Good examples, relevant to our work', 'Execllent delivery', 'Good course, related to our workplace'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Really enjoyable, was a great help, will implement what I have learnt', 'Very good course', 'Excellent, engaging and one of the best', 'Very valuable, kept us engaged', 'Great, found it very useful', 'I would recommend this course and provider', 'Richard is an excellent trainer', 'The trainer engaged the group, made it very interesting'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I would definitely recommend Safety Improvements and Training, really excellent course', 'Excellent, relevant and enjoyable', 'Informative and well paced', 'Excellent, time to discuss issues and get a sensible answer', 'All very good', 'Excellent presenting, excellent facilities, what more can I say', 'I was initially concerned, warm and relaxed welcome, well presented and enjoyable course'.

Safe use of ladders: 'Lots of info which was needed and relevant', 'Very good trainer', 'Brilliant course, learnt new information', 'Great session', 'Very suitable for use of ladders', 'Very good informative trainer'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'All parts of the course have been useful to me and I have gained alot of health and safety knowledge', 'Worth doing, enjoyable', 'The trainer was really good and comes across very friendly', 'Excellent, everything well explained', 'Very good and suitable', 'The trainer was excellent, understanding and clear', 'This course has changed my point of view to a positive one', 'Very good, made it interesting'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Interesting and engaging', 'Good and very practical', 'Clear, concise and knows what he's talking about', 'Excellent', 'Articulate and informative', 'Very informative', 'Very good, useful for work and home', 'Very good', 'Very good practical sessions'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Really good experience', 'Explained everything in a clear language', 'Amazing tariner', 'This course will help with my career', 'Excellent, well worth it', 'A good investment of my time', 'Great instructor, course delivered at a good speed and well explained', 'Very good', 'I have a much better understanding of health and safety at work', 'Excellent', 'I was surprised, I really enjoyed it - well done'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good course content and delivery', 'Very competent and professional', 'I enjoyed the practical exercises and getting it right', 'Very good and informative', 'Very good all round', 'A good approach to instruction', 'Good refresher, enjoyed the practical elements'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very good, explained everything well', 'I found the course enjoyable', 'Fantastic, excellent detail', 'Suitable for my job role, very effective delivery', 'Very good, able to associate the material to our jobs', 'Will help with my job', 'Very good, pleasant and friendly trainer', 'Very effective and highly suitable'.

Work at height risk assessment: 'Very good', 'Good, very suitable', 'Easy to understand, a practical approach', 'Everything was explained clearly', 'Good', 'Very good, related to our activities', 'Very effective and useful', 'Enjoyed the practical element', 'Easy to understand and clear explanations'.

Principles of Risk Assessment: 'Very useful', 'Knowledgeable and kept it entertaining', 'Informative and useful', 'Very clear, good practical sessions', 'Good course', 'Very good', 'All very relevant and helpful', 'Very effective and practical exercises'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very good and informative', 'Well delivered by an excellent trainer', 'A pleasure to have sat this course', 'Richard made it interesting and engaging', 'Good, enjoyed it', 'Excellent', 'Perfect and engaging', 'Excellent insight into health and safety', 'I found it very useful, educational with a great tutor', 'Clear language, very good attitude', 'Excellent - informative and educational', 'One of the best courses I have attended', 'Excellent, made it interesting, light hearted and got the message across'

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good, nice patter', 'Enjoyable and well presented', 'Trainer was very knowledgeable and answered our questions', 'Very informative and interesting', 'Well delivered and engaging', 'Very good, learnt some life skills', 'Very informative and useful', 'Well delivered and relevant'

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'All very useful, the trainer made it interesting, was very knowledgeable', 'Great trainer', 'I enjoyed the 3 day course I found it very interesting', 'Excellent presentation and delivery', 'I believe this course is brilliant, knowledge improved', 'Very informative course, very effective delivery', 'Enjoyable, Richard was an excellent trainer', 'Good communicator', 'Easy to understand, great communicator, funny and approachable', 'Excellent information', 'Very good, learned alot!'.

Principles of Manual Handling: 'Very suitable and of great value to me personally', 'Very good', 'Very useful', 'Very good with clear explanations', 'Good informative training', 'Very effective delivery and informative', 'Great, expanded my knowledge', 'Interesting, eye opening and useful', 'Great trainer, got everybody involved'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Really enjoyed it, he knew his stuff and was helpful', 'Excellent, good sense of humour, engaging and rain-man like knowledge', 'Excellent, very suitable', 'Very effective, very informative, excellent presenter', 'Very informative, excellent trainer with expert knowledge and presentation skills', 'The trainer was very good', 'I have taken alot of knowledge from this course'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good, learnt alot of valuable knowledge', 'Very good, very informative', 'Very satisfied with both the trainer and content', 'Very good', 'Very good, very clear', 'Very good with clear demonstrations', 'Well presented course', 'Very good, enjoyed all of it'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good, all relevant', 'Good experience, I hope I never have to use it', 'Very good, very informative', 'Course delivered clearly and answered all questions', 'Very interesting', 'Very valuable and effective delivery', 'Very good, enjoyed the practical elements', 'Just right, good videos'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Excellent, there's no more to say', 'Met my objectives, refreshed my understanding and brought me upto date', 'Excellent - informative - allowed conversations and experiences shared', 'As always delivered to a high standard', 'Very good for a refresher course', 'Good refresher, maintains focus', 'Knowledgeable and interactive'.

Manual handling: 'Very useful course', 'very good, got his point across', 'Most suitable and educational', 'Well delivered and quite interesting', 'Good and clear', 'Useful for my job role'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good and informative', 'Good to know', 'Very effective, brilliant', 'Reinforced my knowledge, good course', 'Very useful, got his message across', 'All aspects were useful', 'Very good, learnt alot', 'Very good, got the points over well'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent all round', 'Eye opening, you dont realise what you take for granted', 'I would recommend this course and Safety Improvements to others', 'Richard made the course very interesting', 'Content and delivery were spot on', 'Excellent', 'Improved my overall knowledge', 'Just right for me in my role', 'Very good, nice pace and able to ask questions and get a sensible answer'.

Health and Safety for Managers:  'Very suitable and informative', 'Very good and helpful', 'Excellent, very informative and answered questions in detail', 'Effective delivery', 'A valuable use of my time', 'Suitable and covered relevant aspects', 'Excellent', 'Very suitable and informative'.

Principles of manual handling: 'Very valuable, Richard was knowledgeable and positive', 'Interesting and clearly explained', 'Very good', 'Very helpful for my job role', 'Very effective and informative', 'Informative and related to our job roles', 'Good explanations given, informative and relevant'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Really good, enjoyed the programme', 'Trainer was very good, kept our interest', 'I feel more confident in the subject', 'Very engaging and informative', 'Excellent course, given me a clear H&S understanding', 'Very good', 'Very effective, great trainer', 'Good communicator, very useful with good interaction', 'Great training, learned alot from this course', Excellent trainer, extremely informative'.

Risk Assessment: 'Very good course', 'Very thorough, raised my awareness', 'I enjoyed it', 'The course was very valuable to me, I now understand how to risk assess', 'Very good, great communication', 'Great training', 'Very good and very useful', 'Very informative'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Made me more aware of the importance of H&S', 'Kept us engaged', 'Richard was very good and helpful', 'Improved my knowledge and understanding', 'Brilliant trainer, answered all our questions', 'Engaging and effective', 'Gave a great insight', 'I don't think this could be improved', 'I really enjoyed it'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Environmental Principles and Best Practice: 'Very informative and useful', 'Clearly knew his stuff', 'Well presented course, useful information', 'Tailored to our requirements', 'Very informative, engaging and friendly', 'The course was just right for me', 'Enlightening and engaging'.

DSE for Users and Operators: 'Well presented and gives a good understanding of the importance of DSE in the workplace', 'Very informative', 'Clear and easy to understand', 'It helped me understand how to work safely', 'Very competent, informative and helpful', 'All areas were explained and it was easy to understand', 'Informative', 'Clear and precise with good information', 'Good delivery, helpful guidance'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very confident delivery, valuable course', 'Brilliant, first class', 'I found the course very interesting and I gained alot from it', 'Very effective, clear and approachable', 'Very good and engaging', 'Very suitable and valuable for my role', 'Rich was brill, very easy to understand', 'Really good, enjoyed it', 'Strengthened my H&S knowledge', 'Richard was great, we had some fun', 'Excellent, very useful for my job role'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work: 'It was great to get the knowledge to help you feel more confident in case of an emergency', 'Great!', 'Very approachable trainer', 'Really good, everything well expalined', 'Entertaining and understandable', 'Very helpful, a good course', 'Course was very suitable, very informative and practical', 'Really enjoyed the course, taught thoroughly', 'Time well spent'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Very good course', 'Delivered with a sense of humour', 'An ideal refresher', 'Very good, great knowldege', 'Very good, easy to understand', 'Very good', 'Richard was great', 'Good to keep yourself upto date', 'Ther whole course was very good', 'Very relevant and enjoyable', 'A day well spent'.

Principles of risk assessment: 'I enjoyed it and will share my knowledge with my team', 'Very interesting', 'The trainer was the best yet', 'Very good, a very informative course', 'Very useful', 'Very good and easy to understand', 'Learned alot, very informative', 'Very helpful course, especially the last practical in our workplace', 'Very clear instruction, very good'.

Racking Inspection: 'Excellent training session, clear with good information', 'Very good', 'Very informative and helpful', 'Very effective, gained extra knowledge', 'Helped me with the understanding of structures and the safe use', 'Excellent', 'Good course, well delivered and answered our questions'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very good, informative and interesting', 'The trainer was excellent, very informative and knew his stuff', 'My knowledge has improved on H&S, very effective teacher', 'Very good, enthusiastic and knowledgeable', 'Very suitable for my job role', 'Very valuable, good interaction', 'Very enthusiastic, made the subject interesting', 'Richard explained things effectively, very valuable information'.

Fire Warden: 'Brilliant, really interactive', 'Very good', 'Very funny, good quality of training', 'Really good and informative, kept it interesting', 'Very valuable lesson learnt and new knowledge gained', 'Brilliant and funny', 'Very informative and well explained', 'Awesome, gets participants involved'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Good course, well laid out', 'Very interesting, very nice and approachable instructor', 'An enjoyable and interesting course', 'Very engaging', 'Relevant to my job, good course', 'Excellent, very engaging', 'Very effective delivery, very valuable', 'Made it interesting', 'Very enjoyable', 'Very good, kept it interesting and did'nt mind having a laugh'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'A very good course, I have learnt alot', 'Perfect trainer, provided alot of information', 'Very effective delivery', 'Very good', 'I found the course very informative', 'A great trainer who knew his stuff and was able to help when I asked', 'Very good', 'A course of great value to me', 'Very helpful answered all our questions', 'Clear, excellent H&S knowledge', 'Very clear and informative, highly recommended'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent, I enjoyed all of the course', 'The course was delivered to a very high standard', 'I found the way the course was presented was superb, everyone was able to relate to it', 'An important subject explained thoroughly but so that it was understood, delivered superbly by Richard - approachable, friendly and helpful', 'Great course', 'I would recommend this course', 'The trainer delivered the content in a fantastic way', 'Richard explained everything very well'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I enjoyed how this course was presented and the knowledge gained', 'Excellent', 'Good interaction within the group', 'Good course, well presented', 'Was extremely well put over and I found it invaluable to our business', 'I would definitely recommend you to others', 'Excellent delivery over all four days'.

DSE for Users and Operators: 'Very informative, an eye opener', 'Very good', 'Very effective delivery, very interesting', 'Clear and concise, very useful', 'Very good, covered alot of points', 'The trainer was very good and easy to understand', 'Excellent', 'Good pace and answered our questions', 'Very enlightening, well explained', 'Good trainer, put alot of effort in', 'Very good', 'Excellent, well presented and informative', 'Clear and covered the bases', 'Effective, kept everyone involved', 'Very informative and concise'.

Manual handling: 'Rich was great with explanations and examples', 'Good', 'Everything was clearly explained', 'Easy to understand', 'Helpful, about right', 'Explained evrything in a good clear understandable way', Good and helpful'

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent, gave me a much better understanding of H&S', 'The games helped deepen my understanding, I would definately recommend this to others', 'It was brilliant', 'Richard made a 5 day course enjoyable and fun', 'Excellent, I enjoyed the practical elements', 'Relaxed atmosphere, enjoyable course, well delivered'.

Safe use of ladders and manual handling: 'Very effective, helped me alot', 'Very suitable', 'Good day, all very useful', 'Very valuable and effective delivery', 'Enjoyed it, very effective', 'Excellent, good trainer', 'Good course, learnt a few things I didnt know', 'Helped my understanding, very good'

Risk assessment: 'Very helpful course, opens your eyes', 'Very good, enjoyed the practical element in the production area', 'Very informative, related to my workplace', 'Informative and a hands-on approach', 'Put the course over very well', 'Very good', 'Kept the day interesting, suitable for my line of work', 'Practical approach, very informative'

IOSH Managing Safely: 'It was a great course, Richard makes the course enjoyable and provides answers relevant to your workplace', 'I would definitely recommend this course', 'Well presented, I learnt alot', 'Excellent', 'All of it was really useful', 'Overall the whole course was very informative and well delivered - enthusiastic trainer who is passionate about H&S', 'Great course, will be recommending you to others', 'Enjoyed the group work, made the course interesting'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very interesting 3 day course, I have learnt alot', 'Richard is easy to listen to and involves the group', 'Very good course and enjoyable', 'Richard made a difficult subject very enjoyable, a class act', 'Excellent course made interesting by Richard', 'Very good', 'Really positive trainer', 'Excellent, very helpful', 'Very informative, excellent', 'Very knowledgeable, nice guy, easy to get on with', 'Very interesting and informative', 'Provided a wealth of information to help me in my job role', 'Very good, he knows his stuff', 'Helped me understand H&S for my job role - top man'.

Health and Safety for Managers: 'Very suitable and informative', 'Good course, things explained well', 'Good, enjoyed it', 'Very good, alot of information', 'Very eye opening, a good communicator', 'Very interesting course', 'Good, very interesting'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Very enjoyable course, felt at ease', 'Very informative', 'Excellent, well structured and varied content', 'Very informative, would definitely recommend', 'Well run and presented, I have learnt skills that can be used in the workplace', 'Richard was brilliant, he found ways to ensure we all understood', 'Richard was informative and made everyone feel welcome'.

Accident investigation: 'Explained things well, tasks and techniques of good accident investigation', 'Enjoyed it, strengthened my knowledge', 'Very good, informative and enjoyable', 'I know feel better equipped to carry out an investigation', 'Very useful', 'Very good, Richard was good at getting his point across', 'Great, enjoyed the practical elements', 'A very good and informative course', 'Very informative', 'The trainer was great, enjoyed the day'.

Asbestos Awareness: 'Excellent, top draw', 'It opened my eyes, very informative', 'Great info!', 'Highly valued training, very effective delivery', 'Clear and concise information', 'Informative, a good refresher', 'Excellent', 'Learned alot about the dangers of asbestos', 'Very effective', 'Excellent, very good information and delivery'.

Manual handling: 'I was informed of things not known before, delivery came across very well', 'Very clear communication', 'Excellent, very useful', Very good and clear', 'Reinforced my knowledge, knew his subject matter', 'Very clear, explained and demonstrated', 'Very good', 'Very effective, clear communicator. Good mix of humour', 'Good, enjoyed it', 'Good practical and useful information'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I thought Richard was very engaging and did excellently to keep us all alert over 4 days', 'Excellent presenting skills, gaining a good understanding', 'Great presenter, made the course very enjoyable, great content, very well delivered', 'Well presented and delivered and remained interesting each day due to presentation methods', 'Enjoyed the involvement, Richard presented very well and kept the interest level up in the group', 'All good, Richard kept the course interesting'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very good, patient delivery', 'I enjoyed it, very informative', 'Very suitable, answered all our questions well', 'Good interaction with the group and individuals', 'Good communication skills and delivery of the course', 'Very knowledgeable and good delivery', 'Very good', 'Very friendly and helpful', 'The trainer was very informative and helpful'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'An excellent course superbly facilitated, thank you', 'Good information, changed my outlook', 'Excellent, would recommend this course and provider', 'Excellent delivery, made to fell relaxed', 'Enjoyed the participation, good interaction', 'Good mixture, well informed delivery', 'Enjoyed it - thanks'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Enjoyed the whole course', 'Trainer was excellent', 'Patient, made it easy to understand', 'Never seen this extensive knowledge - Great!', 'Excellent - Gold Star', 'Kept me interested at all times', 'Richard was very informative and helpful', 'Excellent trainer', 'The programme was very interesting to me, very informative', 'Very suitable, I will take away lots of new information that will be useful in my role', 'Good fun and helped alot', 'Very good, motivated and engaging', 'It provided me with all the information I required'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent, made the presentation interesting', 'Tutor knowledge and approach made it easy to understand', 'I found the course very interesting. Richard is a very good trainer and made the course more interesting for me', 'I enjoyed the trainers style, he knew how to engage with people', 'A very interesting course which I gained alot of knowledge giving me more confidence going forward', 'It was fantastic', 'Course delivered in a useful and practical way', 'The style of delivery was just right with appropriate humour, learning time and opportunity to interact', 'Made the learning fun!', 'Very interactive, good mix of content and participation'.

Manual handling: 'A really good course', 'Enjoyed the practical parts', 'Well delivered and presented with a bit of humour', 'Good trainer, knew his stuff', 'Enjoyable session, learnt something', 'Good interaction, well presented', 'Great chap, interesting course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent instruction, learnt alot', 'Thoroughly enjoyed the course', 'Very good information for my day to day job', 'Excellent facilitator, makes learning fun', 'Excellent all round course', 'Excellent course thoroughout', 'A great course to enrol on if wanting to gather more knowledge hazards, management systems and risk assessment. Excellent facilitator', 'Perfect for my requirements', 'Very good course - the trainer made it interesting'.

Health and Safety Awareness: 'A well suited course', 'Great refresher', 'Useful information and update', 'The whole course was very good', 'Very informative and useful', 'Very good', 'Met my needs', 'Very effective, well suited'.

Asbestos Awareness: 'Increased my knowledge and awareness', 'Well suited course, not boring and well delivered', 'Useful, very good', 'Very good', 'Very informative', 'Very good, useful reminder', 'Excellent, very professional and informative', 'Great, informative and helpful'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Excellent, really learnt alot', 'I found the course very enlightening and informative', 'Brilliant, very informative', 'This programme is by far the best I have attended', 'Very good, I am looking forward to using my new knowledge back in the workplace', 'Full of useful information', 'Excellent, I found out things that I did'nt know existed', 'Richard made it very interesting with a sense of humour', 'I have gained alot of useful information', 'Very good, enjoyed it alot', 'Richard is full of energy and passionate about health and safety', 'I feel more confident on health and safety'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very interesting course, fantastic delivery. Very interactive and enjoyable', 'Trainer was very knowledgeable and put the content over effectively', 'Overall excellent, can't see how it could be improved', 'Really engaging, a great trainer', 'Richard helped keep the subject interesting', 'Very good delivery', 'Very suitable and of value', 'Very good', 'Very good, informative and clear', 'Excellent days training', 'Very engaging delivery style', 'Excellent, enjoyed the hands on approach', 'Great training course', Thanks, really enjoyed the day'

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very clear, very humorous', 'Excellent course, brilliant trainer, very interesting and enjoyable', 'Excellent, effective communicator', 'Excellent subject knowledge', 'Very effective and enjoyable course', 'Effectively communicated', 'Very informative', 'Clear presentation style', 'Engaging, funny, presented clearly and professional', 'Outstanding and inspired training'

Manual handling: 'Enjoyed the session', 'Good interaction and answered our questions', 'Great training course', 'Really engaging trainer', 'Excellent', 'Very clear delivery style', 'Good relevant information', 'Related to our workplace, good mix of interaction'

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Informative and enjoyable course', 'It was fun', 'Richard was a very nice guy and delivered the course in a very good style', 'Brilliant, really enjoyed the training. Richard was excellent', 'Very clear and knowledgeable trainer', 'The trainer made it fun and enjoyable, it was a pleasure to be on this course', 'A passionate, engaging and enthusiastic trainer'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Principles of COSHH: 'Very good and informative', 'Insighful training session', 'Suitable, valuable information', 'I found it very useful', 'Suitable and valuable', 'Effective, used humour to lighten tone and made it interesting', 'Very effective delivery', 'Very valuable for my job role', 'I have gained some knowledge on things I didn't know', 'Competent delivery', 'Very good, the trainer knew his stuff', 'Overall, very good'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Great refresher course, which helped me re-focus on key H&S elements', 'Informative and relevant information', 'Very suitable days training', 'Trainer was excellent', 'Very good, clear and easy to follow material', 'All of it was relevant to my job role', 'Good and clear H&S communication', 'Great IOSH refresher course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'The way it was delivered made the days enjoyable', 'Really enjoyed it', 'Excellent training and trainer', 'Great course', 'The trainer was very knowledgeable and put everyone at ease. great sense of humour broke the apprehension', 'Just 1st class', 'All aspects of the course were new to me, so it was all useful', 'Great interaction, the trainer was very helpful', 'Everything was explained well', 'Richard was a very good trainer', 'I really enjoyed the whole experience', 'Richard made it enjoyable'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'I enjoyed it, the trainer was great, he explained everything', 'The greatest trainer I have ever met', 'It gave me a great insight and will help me in my job role', 'Excellent trainer with great knowledge', 'Excellent course and will be extremely useful in my job role', 'I was surprised to enjoy a three day health and safety course - well done', 'Very good delivery style', 'The trainer made the course enjoyable', 'I found it very interesting and it increased my H&S knowledge'. 

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'The course was well explained and I will be able to transfer the knowledge learnt to the wokplace', 'Very good and interesting', 'Just fab', 'Excellent trainer', 'Rich made the course very interesting and kept our attention', 'Excellent, very valuable', 'Very enjoyable and extremely informative', 'I feel this was a fantastic course', 'I found the course very valauble and excellently delivered'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Great course, would 100% recommend the provider', 'All really good', 'Excellent five days', 'Very interesting, well delivered', 'I have gained a great deal of knowledge and look forward to putting it into practice', 'I would definitely recommend Safety Improvements, thanks to Richard', 'Richards dry humour helps make the course enjoyable', 'Overall, well worth attending'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Excellent three days', 'Richard was an excellent trainer keeping us all involved', 'The trainer was very good and easy to understand', 'Excellent trainer, really knowledgeable', 'Very good and informative', 'I found the course excellent, informative and unbelievably fun', 'The course was well suited to my managerial role', 'Excellent course, a must!', 'Very effective delivery', 'Very good, I actually enjoyed it', 'I was interested all the way through', 'An health and safety course where we had a laugh', 'Excellent, I really enjoyed it', 'Very pleasant guy, he knew his stuff'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'Great course, relaxed atmosphere', 'Just right', 'Very good', 'Excellent days training', 'Very well presented course, suited my needs', 'Excellent, enjoyed the practical element', 'Very suitable for my job role', 'Very good and informative', 'Open discussions with time for questions, highly recommend', 'Very suitable and of great value'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Facilitator - great knowledge and personality', 'The trainer made the subject engaging and interesting', 'Richard was very informative and made the course interesting', 'Trainers enthusiastic style made the subject entertaining', 'Fantastic all round', 'Richard explained things in detail, easy to understand', 'Informative, relaxed and friendly atmosphere', 'The instructors personality and teaching made the course enjoyable', 'Great course'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'I've learnt alot during this course', 'Very enjoyable', 'Excellent trainer, very informative', 'Very effective, informative and good explanations', 'One word - Brilliant', 'This was very useful, enjoyable and relevant to my job role', 'I enjoyed all of this course', 'The trainer explained things really well', 'The trainer had a positive impact on my learning style', 'I've learnt something new', 'Couldn't have asked for a better trainer'.

IOSH Safe Worker Passport: 'A clear well presented course', 'Course content very suitable', 'Good all round course', 'Trainer was very informative and helpful throughout the day', 'Good knowledge gained', 'Informative information well presented', 'Helpful and informative', 'It has provided me with knowledge and understanding to enable me to do my job more efficiently and effectively', 'Very good enjoyable day'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very suitable and informative', 'Competent delivery', 'More interesting and useful than I expected; relevant and suitable', 'The trainer was spot-on - thanks', 'It has made me realise the importance of H&S', 'His personality made the course', 'The trainer and the resources were very good', 'Very good and relevant examples', 'Excellent trainer, made the subject very enjoyable', 'Very valuable for me, very interesting training'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'All of this was useful, great course', 'The whole course was better than I expected, it remained interesting throughout', 'Good interaction across all 8 modules', 'Great course, well delivered', 'Richard made the course interesting and answered our questions', 'I enjoyed the team work and quizzes', 'Very enjoyable course', 'I would like to personally thank Richard for delivering the course in a great structured manner', 'Very informative', 'A very good experience'.

Fire Marshal: 'Good, informative', 'Very good, everything covered', 'Very good, answered our questions', 'Excellent trainer', 'Very good, keeps me upto date', 'Very suitable, good examples, effective delivery'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very comprehensive and detailed', 'Very good, very helpful', 'Well presented, just right', 'A good course, well set out', 'Excellent day', 'Suitable and well delivered training', 'Very clear and concise', 'Friendly and well presented', 'Excellent, well presented'.

CDM Regulations: 'Very relevant to my job role', 'Answered all our questions', 'Good course, well delivered', 'Good upadte from previous training', 'All very good', 'I don't this this could be improved', 'Good session', 'Helped my understanding of the Regulations', 'Good course, relaxed atmosphere'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Great, plenty of time to discuss issues', 'Glad I attended, very effective delivery', 'Very valuable course', 'Execellent trainer, great skill', 'Enjoyed the three days', 'Good course, enjoyable and inetractive', 'Enjoyed the risk assessment elements, I feel more confident about H&S', 'Great course'.

Safe sytem of work: 'Very productive, effective training', 'knowledgeable and effective', 'Very knowledgeable', 'Very helpful, excellent content', 'Good delivery, friendly and approachable', 'Superb, clearly knows his stuff', 'Very good all round', 'Found it exceptionally well presented, pitched right and enjoyable', Brilliant', 'Very interesting thoroughout'.

COSHH Risk Assessment: 'Knowledgeable, will help in my job role', 'Suitable for me as a manager', 'Very informative', 'Very good, very informative, glad I did it, very useful', 'Very good, the day went surprisingly fast', 'Very useful for my job', 'Very interesting course', 'Well presented, informative and affirming'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Great instructor, so informative, excellent delivery', 'Fantastic, great knowledge', 'Kept the interest of the group for the whole 3 days', 'One word - Brilliant', 'Excellent trainer, great delivery', 'Very helpful and understanding trainer', 'Made the learning easy and enjoyable', 'Helped me learn alot about health and safety', 'Great value, will help me alot'.

Machinery Safety Awareness: 'Clearly explained and delivered', 'Good training course', 'Good use of my time, felt the benefit', 'Good course, well delivered', 'Refreshed my memory', 'Well delivered, answered questions clearly relevant to my job role', 'Good examples, relevant to our work', 'Execllent delivery', 'Good course, related to our workplace'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Really enjoyable, was a great help, will implement what I have learnt', 'Very good course', 'Excellent, engaging and one of the best', 'Very valuable, kept us engaged', 'Great, found it very useful', 'I would recommend this course and provider', 'Richard is an excellent trainer', 'The trainer engaged the group, made it very interesting'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I would definitely recommend Safety Improvements and Training, really excellent course', 'Excellent, relevant and enjoyable', 'Informative and well paced', 'Excellent, time to discuss issues and get a sensible answer', 'All very good', 'Excellent presenting, excellent facilities, what more can I say', 'I was initially concerned, warm and relaxed welcome, well presented and enjoyable course'.

Safe use of ladders: 'Lots of info which was needed and relevant', 'Very good trainer', 'Brilliant course, learnt new information', 'Great session', 'Very suitable for use of ladders', 'Very good informative trainer'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'All parts of the course have been useful to me and I have gained alot of health and safety knowledge', 'Worth doing, enjoyable', 'The trainer was really good and comes across very friendly', 'Excellent, everything well explained', 'Very good and suitable', 'The trainer was excellent, understanding and clear', 'This course has changed my point of view to a positive one', 'Very good, made it interesting'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Interesting and engaging', 'Good and very practical', 'Clear, concise and knows what he's talking about', 'Excellent', 'Articulate and informative', 'Very informative', 'Very good, useful for work and home', 'Very good', 'Very good practical sessions'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Really good experience', 'Explained everything in a clear language', 'Amazing tariner', 'This course will help with my career', 'Excellent, well worth it', 'A good investment of my time', 'Great instructor, course delivered at a good speed and well explained', 'Very good', 'I have a much better understanding of health and safety at work', 'Excellent', 'I was surprised, I really enjoyed it - well done'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good course content and delivery', 'Very competent and professional', 'I enjoyed the practical exercises and getting it right', 'Very good and informative', 'Very good all round', 'A good approach to instruction', 'Good refresher, enjoyed the practical elements'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very good, explained everything well', 'I found the course enjoyable', 'Fantastic, excellent detail', 'Suitable for my job role, very effective delivery', 'Very good, able to associate the material to our jobs', 'Will help with my job', 'Very good, pleasant and friendly trainer', 'Very effective and highly suitable'.

Work at height risk assessment: 'Very good', 'Good, very suitable', 'Easy to understand, a practical approach', 'Everything was explained clearly', 'Good', 'Very good, related to our activities', 'Very effective and useful', 'Enjoyed the practical element', 'Easy to understand and clear explanations'.

Principles of Risk Assessment: 'Very useful', 'Knowledgeable and kept it entertaining', 'Informative and useful', 'Very clear, good practical sessions', 'Good course', 'Very good', 'All very relevant and helpful', 'Very effective and practical exercises'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very good and informative', 'Well delivered by an excellent trainer', 'A pleasure to have sat this course', 'Richard made it interesting and engaging', 'Good, enjoyed it', 'Excellent', 'Perfect and engaging', 'Excellent insight into health and safety', 'I found it very useful, educational with a great tutor', 'Clear language, very good attitude', 'Excellent - informative and educational', 'One of the best courses I have attended', 'Excellent, made it interesting, light hearted and got the message across'

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good, nice patter', 'Enjoyable and well presented', 'Trainer was very knowledgeable and answered our questions', 'Very informative and interesting', 'Well delivered and engaging', 'Very good, learnt some life skills', 'Very informative and useful', 'Well delivered and relevant'

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'All very useful, the trainer made it interesting, was very knowledgeable', 'Great trainer', 'I enjoyed the 3 day course I found it very interesting', 'Excellent presentation and delivery', 'I believe this course is brilliant, knowledge improved', 'Very informative course, very effective delivery', 'Enjoyable, Richard was an excellent trainer', 'Good communicator', 'Easy to understand, great communicator, funny and approachable', 'Excellent information', 'Very good, learned alot!'.

Principles of Manual Handling: 'Very suitable and of great value to me personally', 'Very good', 'Very useful', 'Very good with clear explanations', 'Good informative training', 'Very effective delivery and informative', 'Great, expanded my knowledge', 'Interesting, eye opening and useful', 'Great trainer, got evrybody involved'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Really enjoyed it, he knew his stuff and was helpful', 'Excellent, good sense of humour, engaging and rain-man like knowledge', 'Excellent, very suitable', 'Very effective, very informative, excellent presenter', 'Very informative, excellent trainer with expert knowledge and presentation skills', 'The trainer was very good', 'I have taken alot of knowledge from this course'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good, learnt alot of valuable knowledge', 'Very good, very informative', 'Very satisfied with both the trainer and content', 'Very good', 'Very good, very clear', 'Very good with clear demonstrations', 'Well presented course', 'Very good, enjoyed all of it', 'Very good, all relevant', 'Good experience, I hope I never have to use it', 'Very good, very informative', 'Course delivered clearly and answered all questions', 'Very interesting', 'Very valuable and effective delivery', 'Very good, enjoyed the practical elements', 'Just right, good videos'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Excellent, there's no more to say', 'Met my objectives, refreshed my understanding and brought me upto date', 'Excellent - informative - allowed conversations and experiences shared', 'As always delivered to a high standard', 'Very good for a refresher course', 'Good refresher, maintains focus', 'Knowledgeable and interactive'.

Manual handling: 'Very useful course', 'very good, got his point across', 'Most suitable and educational', 'Well delivered and quite interesting', 'Good and clear', 'Useful for my job role'.

Emergency First Aid at Work: 'Very good and informative', 'Good to know', 'Very effective, brilliant', 'Reinforced my knowledge, good course', 'Very useful, got his message across', 'All aspects were useful', 'Very good, learnt alot', 'Very good, got the points over well'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent all round', 'Eye opening, you dont realise what you take for granted', 'I would recommend this course and Safety Improvements to others', 'Richard made the course very interesting', 'Content and delivery were spot on', 'Excellent', 'Improved my overall knowledge', 'Just right for me in my role', 'Very good, nice pace and able to ask questions and get a sensible answer'.

Health and Safety for Managers: 'Very suitable and informative', 'Very good and helpful', 'Excellent, very informative and answered questions in detail', 'Effective delivery', 'A valuable use of my time', 'Suitable and covered relevant aspects', 'Excellent', 'Very suitable and informative'.

Principles of manual handling: 'Very valuable, Richard was knowledgeable and positive', 'Interesting and clearly explained', 'Very good', 'Very helpful for my job role', 'Very effective and informative', 'Informative and related to our job roles', 'Good explanations given, informative and relevant'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Really good, enjoyed the programme', 'Trainer was very good, kept our interest', 'I feel more confident in the subject', 'Very engaging and informative', 'Excellent course, given me a clear H&S understanding', 'Very good', 'Very effective, great trainer', 'Good communicator, very useful with good interaction', 'Great training, learned alot from this course', Excellent trainer, extremely informative'.

Risk Assessment: 'Very good course', 'Very thorough, raised my awareness', 'I enjoyed it', 'The course was very valuable to me, I now understand how to risk assess', 'Very good, great communication', 'Great training', 'Very good and very useful', 'Very informative'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Made me more aware of the importance of H&S', 'Kept us engaged', 'Richard was very good and helpful', 'Improved my knowledge and understanding', 'Brilliant trainer, answered all our questions', 'Engaging and effective', 'Gave a great insight', 'I don't think this could be improved', 'I really enjoyed it'.

CIEH Level 2 Award in Environmental Principles and Best Practice: 'Very informative and useful', 'Clearly knew his stuff', 'Well presented course, useful information', 'Tailored to our requirements', 'Very informative, engaging and friendly', 'The course was just right for me', 'Enlightening and engaging'.

DSE for Users and Operators: 'Well presented and gives a good understanding of the importance of DSE in the workplace', 'Very informative', 'Clear and easy to understand', 'It helped me understand how to work safely', 'Very competent, informative and helpful', 'All areas were explained and it was easy to understand', 'Informative', 'Clear and precise with good information', 'Good delivery, helpful guidance'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very confident delivery, valuable course', 'Brilliant, first class', 'I found the course very interesting and I gained alot from it', 'Very effective, clear and approachable', 'Very good and engaging', 'Very suitable and valuable for my role', 'Rich was brill, very easy to understand', 'Really good, enjoyed it', 'Strengthened my H&S knowledge', 'Richard was great, we had some fun', 'Excellent, very useful for my job role'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work: 'It was great to get the knowledge to help you feel more confident in case of an emergency', 'Great!', 'Very approachable trainer', 'Really good, everything well expalined', 'Entertaining and understandable', 'Very helpful, a good course', 'Course was very suitable, very informative and practical', 'Really enjoyed the course, taught thoroughly', 'Time well spent'.

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: 'Very good course', 'Delivered with a sense of humour', 'An ideal refresher', 'Very good, great knowldege', 'Very good, easy to understand', 'Very good', 'Richard was great', 'Good to keep yourself upto date', 'Ther whole course was very good', 'Very relevant and enjoyable', 'A day well spent'.

Principles of risk assessment: 'I enjoyed it and will share my knowledge with my team', 'Very interesting', 'The trainer was the best yet', 'Very good, a very informative course', 'Very useful', 'Very good and easy to understand', 'Learned alot, very informative', 'Very helpful course, especially the last practical in our workplace', 'Very clear instruction, very good'.

Racking Inspection: 'Excellent training session, clear with good information', 'Very good', 'Very informative and helpful', 'Very effective, gained extra knowledge', 'Helped me with the understanding of structures and the safe use', 'Excellent', 'Good course, well delivered and answered our questions'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very good, informative and interesting', 'The trainer was excellent, very informative and knew his stuff', 'My knowledge has improved on H&S, very effective teacher', 'Very good, enthusiastic and knowledgeable', 'Very suitable for my job role', 'Very valuable, good interaction', 'Very enthusiastic, made the subject interesting', 'Richard explained things effectively, very valuable information'.

Fire Warden: 'Brilliant, really interactive', 'Very good', 'Very funny, good quality of training', 'Really good and informative, kept it interesting', 'Very valuable lesson learnt and new knowledge gained', 'Brilliant and funny', 'Very informative and well explained', 'Awesome, gets participants involved'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Good course, well laid out', 'Very interesting, very nice and approachable instructor', 'An enjoyable and interesting course', 'Very engaging', 'Relevant to my job, good course', 'Excellent, very engaging', 'Very effective delivery, very valuable', 'Made it interesting', 'Very enjoyable', 'Very good, kept it interesting and did'nt mind having a laugh'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'A very good course, I have learnt alot', 'Perfect trainer, provided alot of information', 'Very effective delivery', 'Very good', 'I found the course very informative', 'A great trainer who knew his stuff and was able to help when I asked', 'Very good', 'A course of great value to me', 'Very helpful answered all our questions', 'Clear, excellent H&S knowledge', 'Very clear and informative, highly recommended'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent, I enjoyed all of the course', 'The course was delivered to a very high standard', 'I found the way the course was presented was superb, everyone was able to relate to it', 'An important subject explained thoroughly but so that it was understood, delivered superbly by Richard - approachable, friendly and helpful', 'Great course', 'I would recommend this course', 'The trainer delivered the content in a fantastic way', 'Richard explained everything very well'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I enjoyed how this course was presented and the knowledge gained', 'Excellent', 'Good interaction within the group', 'Good course, well presented', 'Was extremely well put over and I found it invaluable to our business', 'I would definitely recommend you to others', 'Excellent delivery over all four days'.

DSE for Users and Operators: 'Very informative, an eye opener', 'Very good', 'Very effective delivery, very interesting', 'Clear and concise, very useful', 'Very good, covered alot of points', 'The trainer was very good and easy to understand', 'Excellent', 'Good pace and answered our questions', 'Very enlightening, well explained', 'Good trainer, put alot of effort in', 'Very good', 'Excellent, well presented and informative', 'Clear and covered the bases', 'Effective, kept everyone involved', 'Very informative and concise'.

Manual handling: 'Rich was great with explanations and examples', 'Good', 'Everything was clearly explained', 'Easy to understand', 'Helpful, about right', 'Explained evrything in a good clear understandable way', Good and helpful'

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent, gave me a much better understanding of H&S', 'The games helped deepen my understanding, I would definately recommend this to others', 'It was brilliant', 'Richard made a 5 day course enjoyable and fun', 'Excellent, I enjoyed the practical elements', 'Relaxed atmosphere, enjoyable course, well delivered'.

Safe use of ladders and manual handling: 'Very effective, helped me alot', 'Very suitable', 'Good day, all very useful', 'Very valuable and effective delivery', 'Enjoyed it, very effective', 'Excellent, good trainer', 'Good course, learnt a few things I didnt know', 'Helped my understanding, very good'

Risk assessment: 'Very helpful course, opens your eyes', 'Very good, enjoyed the practical element in the production area', 'Very informative, related to my workplace', 'Informative and a hands-on approach', 'Put the course over very well', 'Very good', 'Kept the day interesting, suitable for my line of work', 'Practical approach, very informative'

IOSH Managing Safely: 'It was a great course, Richard makes the course enjoyable and provides answers relevant to your workplace', 'I would definitely recommend this course', 'Well presented, I learnt alot', 'Excellent', 'All of it was really useful', 'Overall the whole course was very informative and well delivered - enthusiastic trainer who is passionate about H&S', 'Great course, will be recommending you to others', 'Enjoyed the group work, made the course interesting'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very interesting 3 day course, I have learnt alot', 'Richard is easy to listen to and involves the group', 'Very good course and enjoyable', 'Richard made a difficult subject very enjoyable, a class act', 'Excellent course made interesting by Richard', 'Very good', 'Really positive trainer', 'Excellent, very helpful', 'Very informative, excellent', 'Very knowledgeable, nice guy, easy to get on with', 'Very interesting and informative', 'Provided a wealth of information to help me in my job role', 'Very good, he knows his stuff', 'Helped me understand H&S for my job role - top man'.

Health and Safety for Managers: 'Very suitable and informative', 'Good course, things explained well', 'Good, enjoyed it', 'Very good, alot of information', 'Very eye opening, a good communicator', 'Very interesting course', 'Good, very interesting'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Very enjoyable course, felt at ease', 'Very informative', 'Excellent, well structured and varied content', 'Very informative, would definitely recommend', 'Well run and presented, I have learnt skills that can be used in the workplace', 'Richard was brilliant, he found ways to ensure we all understood', 'Richard was informative and made everyone feel welcome'.

Accident investigation: 'Explained things well, tasks and techniques of good accident investigation', 'Enjoyed it, strengthened my knowledge', 'Very good, informative and enjoyable', 'I know feel better equipped to carry out an investigation', 'Very useful', 'Very good, Richard was good at getting his point across', 'Great, enjoyed the practical elements', 'A very good and informative course', 'Very informative', 'The trainer was great, enjoyed the day'.

Asbestos Awareness: 'Excellent, top draw', 'It opened my eyes, very informative', 'Great info!', 'Highly valued training, very effective delivery', 'Clear and concise information', 'Informative, a good refresher', 'Excellent', 'Learned alot about the dangers of asbestos', 'Very effective', 'Excellent, very good information and delivery'.

Manual handling: 'I was informed of things not known before, delivery came across very well', 'Very clear communication', 'Excellent, very useful', Very good and clear', 'Reinforced my knowledge, knew his subject matter', 'Very clear, explained and demonstrated', 'Very good', 'Very effective, clear communicator. Good mix of humour', 'Good, enjoyed it', 'Good practical and useful information'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'I thought Richard was very engaging and did excellently to keep us all alert over 4 days', 'Excellent presenting skills, gaining a good understanding', 'Great presenter, made the course very enjoyable, great content, very well delivered', 'Well presented and delivered and remained interesting each day due to presentation methods', 'Enjoyed the involvement, Richard presented very well and kept the interest level up in the group', 'All good, Richard kept the course interesting'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very good, patient delivery', 'I enjoyed it, very informative', 'Very suitable, answered all our questions well', 'Good interaction with the group and individuals', 'Good communication skills and delivery of the course', 'Very knowledgeable and good delivery', 'Very good', 'Very friendly and helpful', 'The trainer was very informative and helpful'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'An excellent course superbly facilitated, thank you', 'Good information, changed my outlook', 'Excellent, would recommend this course and provider', 'Excellent delivery, made to fell relaxed', 'Enjoyed the participation, good interaction', 'Good mixture, well informed delivery', 'Enjoyed it - thanks'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Enjoyed the whole course', 'Trainer was excellent', 'Patient, made it easy to understand', 'Never seen this extensive knowledge - Great!', 'Excellent - Gold Star', 'Kept me interested at all times', 'Richard was very informative and helpful', 'Excellent trainer', 'The programme was very interesting to me, very informative', 'Very suitable, I will take away lots of new information that will be useful in my role', 'Good fun and helped alot', 'Very good, motivated and engaging', 'It provided me with all the information I required'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent, made the presentation interesting', 'Tutor knowledge and approach made it easy to understand', 'I found the course very interesting. Richard is a very good trainer and made the course more interesting for me', 'I enjoyed the trainers style, he knew how to engage with people', 'A very interesting course which I gained alot of knowledge giving me more confidence going forward', 'It was fantastic', 'Course delivered in a useful and practical way', 'The style of delivery was just right with appropriate humour, learning time and opportunity to interact', 'Made the learning fun!', 'Very interactive, good mix of content and participation'.

Manual handling: 'A really good course', 'Enjoyed the practical parts', 'Well delivered and presented with a bit of humour', 'Good trainer, knew his stuff', 'Enjoyable session, learnt something', 'Good interaction, well presented', 'Great chap, interesting course'.

IOSH Managing Safely: 'Excellent instruction, learnt alot', 'Thoroughly enjoyed the course', 'Very good information for my day to day job', 'Excellent facilitator, makes learning fun', 'Excellent all round course', 'Excellent course thoroughout', 'A great course to enrol on if wanting to gather more knowledge hazards, management systems and risk assessment. Excellent facilitator', 'Perfect for my requirements', 'Very good course - the trainer made it interesting'.

Health and Safety Awareness: 'A well suited course', 'Great refresher', 'Useful information and update', 'The whole course was very good', 'Very informative and useful', 'Very good', 'Met my needs', 'Very effective, well suited'.

Asbestos Awareness: 'Increased my knowledge and awareness', 'Well suited course, not boring and well delivered', 'Useful, very good', 'Very good', 'Very informative', 'Very good, useful reminder', 'Excellent, very professional and informative', 'Great, informative and helpful'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Excellent, really learnt alot', 'I found the course very enlightening and informative', 'Brilliant, very informative', 'This programme is by far the best I have attended', 'Very good, I am looking forward to using my new knowledge back in the workplace', 'Full of useful information', 'Excellent, I found out things that I did'nt know existed', 'Richard made it very interesting with a sense of humour', 'I have gained alot of useful information', 'Very good, enjoyed it alot', 'Richard is full of energy and passionate about health and safety', 'I feel more confident on health and safety'.

CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace: 'Very interesting course, fantastic delivery. Very interactive and enjoyable', 'Trainer was very knowledgeable and put the content over effectively', 'Overall excellent, can't see how it could be improved', 'Really engaging, a great trainer'